Feb 14, 2006 18:23
I love and loathe this day...I'm sure many people do... I hate htis so much... *sighs* DAMN YOU 'HOLIDAY'!!! I'm sad... what's wrong with me? Why am I sad? Oh wait that's right I've tried to get ahold of Zac for about.... 5 days I think and I haven't been able to do anything to talk to him... I've either called him at the wrong time or he doesn't answer and he doesn't call back.... But hey that's Zac and I appreciate him for his diffrence even though I mom doesn't know why I waste my breath on calling him. I think that's very rude but that's my mom. She's not that fond of Zac.... *sighs* Sorry about that Zac... if you read htis.... I'm sure Kathleen fills you in anyways. LoL. I got a rose today and a sucker... Go me. :D I gave some people valentines and some I didn't. I feel mean.. if I could I would mail Kathleen and Nick boxes of chocolate. I didn't get any chocolate this valentines... T.T I love chocolate... oh well. I'm happy with my rose! :D :D :P I'mhaivng to much fun with smily faces. Well I have to go and empty/fill the dishwasher. Peace out people of the world. Have good dreams America and have great days people in the east.