
Oct 24, 2008 11:08

i just made my first phone call to the 県庁。 i was totally 緊張ed.

but apparently my 敬語was okay!  and they understood what i was saying and everything!! and i understood too!! so i think from now on, i am okay with the phone!   huzzah!!

also, i feel nice and accomplished.  of course, there is back story that i haven`t gotten a chance to write about yet, but probably looking back, i will know exactly what i`m talking about anyway, so it`s okay.


yesterday, when going to the vault to pick up my rings, i got TSS to speak.  ::pats self on back::  he even unhunched himself!  oh, the power of metal!!  i like dragonforce too! so he was all enthused, and we conversed a bit!  yay!!

he`s so attractive, but so shy for some reason...heather suggested that he has to run away from high school girls often.  that may be the case.  but yay! i feel i score points for that.

so, let`s do a quick recap of point scorage for this week. starting on saturday.

k. so.

**having the courage and the self confidence to go to tokyo by myself to a livehouse that i`ve never been to, to a gothic event that i`ve also never been to but have been wanting to go to for a couple of years, and not chickening out.  actually going to the concert and enjoying myself without worrying about an image of whether i would fit in, or whatever.  just having a general good time!  i would have not been able to do that last year, and i think it shows a lot of self improvement.

**walking up to kozi`s bassist and just conversing with him.  was i shy?  a little.  but i did it anyway, and he was pretty badass.  i am totally forming a bassist crush on him.

** not being afraid to tell people that they looked good/ performed well.  i`ve been able to talk to people a lot more easily, and it came through this past weekend.

**- actually not being too chicken to talk to kozi.  that and keeping some of my sanity.  though i was kind of working on auto pilot because i was soo shocked/excited/JOYOUS becuase i`ve wanted to meet the man for almost 10 years now, i think i held myself together pretty well in comarison to past experiences with other people that i admire.  that and knowing when i had said what i needed to say, and not bugging when i couldn`t think of anything to say anymore.  hopefully we will meet again some day, and have much more regular conversation, like normal people rather than musician and fan.  i`m still like, really shocked at how chill he was... seems like a really awesome guy.

**- yuu-kun.  i am like, so freaking happy to have met him.  he is like the coolest guy ever.  talking on the phone with him last time, he was much more chill and quiet that when we first met, but that`s cause it was tokyo dark castle and he was drinking lol, but he still seems like an awesome human being.  his gf is soooo lucky to have him!  he said he wants me to meet his other friends and stuff, so hopefully when the come to nagoya next month we will be able to hang out a at least a little... seems that it`s more likely when i go to tokyo next time though, cause it seems that in nagoya they are gonna be REALLY busy.  but i`m still glad that i got to meet him, and i REALLY hope that we can keep in touch.  in addition, i like, really hope that he becomes successful, becuase he seems like someone who really deserves it.

**- not giving a certian someone a swift kick to the balls this week.  not gonna say who, but there is a certain person who is driving me nuts lately, and almost made me cry.  but i stayed calm, and said nothing, shed no tears, and excused myself professionally.  go me!

**- getting TSS to talk, laugh, and be excited.  that was awesome.  i wanna see it again.  he has such a cute smile! and he jingles when he walks! awesome.

**- there was this AMAZING sunset the other day.  it was sooo beautiful i was so pleased!!!

**- hanging out with heather thrice this week!! yaaay!!

**- chillin with JESSICA who ROCKS and who i haven`t seen in tooooo long!! karaoke and wandering and escaping ayashii drunken j-men FTW!  also, she gave me an awesome tarot reading, which really helped because i was just feeling tooooo lost with stuff.  i mean, not bad lost, just confused lost, and that really helped point me in the right direction ^_^

so yeah, i bet there are other little gets here and there, but those are the big ones of this week.  we`ll see if there are any other gets over the weekend with vidoll!! hopefully tero will like his gift!! but if not then.... ::shrug:: oh well!!


japan, music

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