yeah.. a lot of stuff has been happening. there will be a full update during thanksgiving. but right now, i shouldn't even be on lj at all so.... here i am in my delinquency.
the age you will be on your next birthday
a place to which i'd like to travel
your favorite place
(i actually spoke to one of these girls at the M10M live...)
your favorite object
i guess.... i don't really have one favorite object... i love all of my objects, or else i wouldn't buy them...
favorite food
your favorite animal
your favorite color
the town in which you were born
the place in which you live
aww... they are in love ^_^
the name of a past pet
the name of a past love
your nickname/screenname
your first name
your middle name
your last name
a bad habit of yours
your first job
your grandmother's name
your major in college