Dec 23, 2004 15:42
Well damn,
turn your back for one second and the whole year runs off on you with many many events been and gone.
I thought I'd just throw up a christmas greeting in here to see if anyone still reads my posts (and of course to say hi).... its been a while since i've actually put anything on here, but don't worry, I'm still reading from the corners I skulk in, enjoying keeping up to date with you all.
I'm typing this from a small office as I temp, middle of a 10 hour shift, but the pay is good, and the office is dead quiet, so I'm not going to complain.
I'm doing temp work as a result of working for a hotel for a breif period (I was given a responsible role early on in a company that prides itself over screwing its employees.... not a good spot to be in).... as a side note, never stay in a 'Thistle' hotel... *cough*
I'm now living in Northwood, after having moved there about 2 weeks ago, post for the phone number/address.
Yeah, northwood for Perth people that I never got the chance to say goodbye to is one of the northwest suburbs of London.... and not London near Denmark, nowheresville WA, but London, otherside of globe, capital of Ol' Blighty....
As my last post said, I was dting a POM, now dating has gone to Engaging, and by this time next year, should be wedding. - Post for an invite, they're going off early Jan to give the aussies that want to come some time to save.
I've been in Cambridge for the last 3 months, making the commute (2 freaking hours each way!) down to London for work, so the move into Northwood is a very welcomed one.
Working hard though, and still coming to grips with a new country... still trying to get a bank account, but anyone who has ever visted England knows that its a feat unparralleled by Childbirth or Gall stones.... The banks here are whores... old fashioned, holes in the stockings, whores.
Apart from that life is good, money is coming in and it seems that the dancing scene over here may be jsut ripe for my teaching, so hello money is the hope for the new year.
Anyways, I'll keep this short, if you want more conversation I'm here all week (well, sort of)...
Take care guys