My tweets

Feb 26, 2012 12:10

  • Sat, 12:39: Next time I agree to make a birthday cake on a pub-based whim will someone remind me that Nigella's recipes cost about a thousand pounds?
  • Sat, 13:27: Dear people who have been outside, What's the temperature? Do I need a winter coat or can I get away with leather jacket?
  • Sat, 13:55: I know I should probably wash up before going out or I'll regret it but it looks sooooooo nice outside.....
  • Sat, 14:27: I just saw a squirrel with no tail! It looked really silly.
  • Sat, 14:48: Cemetery, sunshine, camera, croci - at peace :)
  • Sat, 19:27: Guinness cake! @ The Butler/Sitwell Establishment
  • Sat, 19:28: Guinness cakelets! @ The Butler/Sitwell Establishment
  • Sat, 19:32: Now to work out how to get all this cakery to Hoxton...
  • Sun, 02:05: I'm not sure there's any night bus journey that makes the night out worth it.
  • Sun, 02:53: May actually be here all night. 45 minutes on the pavement & a bus finally arrives... And too full to collect passengers. Very cold.
  • Sun, 03:07: On a bus. It's only going 75% of the way home but I'm almost dead with cold. Fucking ridiculous transport system.
  • Sun, 03:08: Glad I'm not after an N35 though - 4 sailed past without even stopping. Poor sods waiting for those will be there a while.
  • Sun, 04:18: Almost 3 hours to get from Hoxton to Brockley. Ridic. Made the world safe again by reading Jill Barklem with tea, Edith, & hot water bottle.


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