Welcome to The Twilight Big Bang!
Sit back, kick off your shoes and throw up your feet while you check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
• What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a challenge in any fandom that asks participants to write fanfiction, draw art, or basically create any other media suitable to that particular big bang. Our big bang is open to a variety of different fan-made media; basically anything a fan can create for The Twilight Big Bang that can be shown online is accepted in this year's big bang.
• Is this Big Bang limited to a certain pairing or genre?
Nope! All pairings, even moresomes, are welcome! Likewise with genres; canon, AUs and crossovers are all welcome as long as the primary focus of your story is The Twilight Saga and its cast of characters. All genres (romance, fluff, action/adventure, hurt/comfort) and ratings are welcome as well. If you're unsure as to whether or not your fanfiction will be accepted, email us at twilightsagabb@gmail.com
• What's the minimum and maximum word count?
Minimum word count is 20,000 (twenty thousand) words with no exceptions. The maximum word count is…well, there is none! The fanfiction can be as long as you want!
• What does the minimum word count mean for me?
One of the points of a Big Bang is to create an archive of longer fanfictions (one-shots) for fans to enjoy. Therefore, there is a hefty word-count minimum which is higher than the length of most fanfiction written for various exchanges and fests. This is why we've chosen a 20,000 word minimum.
• I don't know if I can manage the minimum word limit!
If you initially sign-up and then discover that you aren't a novella sort of writer, there are a few things to do…
First; that's what we're here for. The members of
twilightbigbang want you to succeed as badly as you want to succeed, so we're there to offer encouragement and support through your writing phase.
Second; if you still can't make it to the minimum word count, that's alright. We might be able to include it anyway, though it might be missing the perks of a full-fledged Big Bang fic (i.e. no illustrations).
Worst case scenario is you can't make it, we can't post it, but that's alright! You still have a great piece of fanfiction you can share in any number of Twilight based livejournal communities and/or fanfiction.net!
• Okay, so I get the minimum word count, but what about the maximum word count?
As you well know, there isn't one, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. The fanfiction can be as long as you want it to be, but the catch is…it has to be finished!! Incomplete fanfictions will not be posted. In short, you can't give us the first 30,000 words of a story that's going to be around 100,000 words long.
• It has to be done by September 30th, 2011? Seriously?!
It sure does! Late entries will not be accepted~! But, if it helps you any…20,000 words can sound like a huge undertaking. Look at it this way; you have four months to write a fanfiction that's 20,000 words long…which means you only have to write 5,000 words a month! That's perfectly manageable!
• Can I write more than one story?
O_O Wow! You must be a glutton for punishment!
Ideally, we'd prefer it if each writer only wrote one story and focus all of their attention on it, so it can be perfect. We'd rather get one exceptionally good fanfiction than two mediocre fanfictions.
With that said, it's not against the rules to submit more than one story, so if you want to write two of them, you're free to do so. Just, please, tell us that's what you plan to do because we'll surely want to chat with you about it.
• So, I have this fanfiction already started. Can I use it for my Big Bang submission?
Yes, but there are conditions…
All works must be created specifically for this challenge and old works cannot be recycled for use in the Big Bang.
If, however, you have a story started that does not exceed 5,000 words currently you will be allowed to continue it, but still be expected to add an extra 20,000 words to the word count you already have. Basically, if you have a story that's 4,500 your final word count ought to be 24,500 words or over. No exceptions!!
Please bear in mind that submissions are expected to standalone and cannot be ended with 'To Be Continued…' In addition, sequels to previous words are acceptable, but only if they are able to stand without the original.
• Does my story have to be beta-ed?
• And what if I don't have a beta?
Then you're in luck, we're also hosting a beta sign-up to help with writers in need of one. If you need one, be sure you fill out the required information on the sign-up form and one will be provided to you as par the schedule below.
• I'm an artist, not a writer. How do I participate?
First of all, it's great that you're signing up! There are two ways you can participate. You can sign-up to produce art for a fanfiction or you can sign-up to produce your own Twilight art that's not affiliated with a story. Of it you're looking for a little more challenge, you can sign-up to do both!
• How do you define "fanwork/art"?
"Fanart" is more than just hand-drawn art. Fanart can be considered as graphic design (banners, manips, icons, etc.), photography (must be a series of photos that tell a story), fanmixes (must include cover art and, at least, seven tracks with quotations), and fan-made videos are all welcome. If you have an idea that is not included in the above list, please contact us and let us know because your opinions and ideas count too!
• I want to participate, but I'm not a writer or an artist. What can I do?
Please consider signing up as a beta or cheerleader, after all, the writers and artists will need all the help, encouragement, and support they can get.
• What's the time line?
Check out
this post for more information on the 2011 timeline for the Twilight Big Bang.
• I've signed up as a writer & I understand what is asked of me for submission. My question is this: Are you only asking for at least a 20,000 word long one-shot or can my writing submission be a completed chapter style fic with at least 20,000 words? I'm basically wondering how to format my story.
We would like a 20,000 word long one-shot, but we are allowing authors to divide their work up into parts or chapters. Please notice, however, the story will be posted as a whole in one post.
• When I signed up as a writer, I initially submitted a rough plot summary/story premise. Am I able to change my mind on that or do I have to stick with what I initially proposed? Come 1st check-in, can I submit a totally different plot, which I feel would be a better idea & more doable for me to succeed in the challenge?
The summary you submitted with your writer sign-up form can be changed, but the summary you're asked to provide at the first check in cannot be changed.
• Just to clarify, on the first check-in, I am required to submit a summary & at least 5000 words of my story, or just a summary?
On June 20th you are expected to turn in the summary of your story (no more than a page, please) and at least 5,000 words. If you submitted your summary with your sign-up form than we won't expect another summary from you unless you've changed your story, but all writers must turn in the 5,000 words or else they will be emailed and possibly be dropped from the Big Bang.
• What are the required submission for the other check-ins, not including when final beta'ed version is due? Or are you gonna give us those through emails?
At each check-in, writers are expected to submit 5,000 words more than the last one: June 20th - 5,000, July 20th-10,000, August 20th-15,000, September 20th-20,000. Before each check-in, writers will receive emails reminding them of what they'll be needing to turn in.
• Sounds great. I'm in. Now what?
Fantastic! We're excited to have you and whatever you decided to contribute!
Please go to the appropriate sign-up post (a link will be added once the sign-ups are open) once they're active (sign-ups begin on May 20th!) and follow the instructions on that page in order to sign-up! Once your finished with that, please join or watch our community so you can catch updates and important information as it's posted on
If you have any other questions that are not answered above, feel free to ask them in a comment. We'll answer them and then add them to the FAQ for others to use. We don't bite…unless you want us to. ;)
FAQ borrowed, with permission, from