So that was unpleasant news this morning when I woke up. Luckily I checked facebook and all my friends in Tokyo are alright...and the relatives I have in Japan live in Okinawa so I haven't personally had bad news....
But still. 8.9? Hot jesus that's terrible. (>_<) Watching was so depressing I had to stop. /sigh. Cheers to everyone who's okay and best wishes to those who aren't.
Happy Birthday
bondgirl311 !!!!!!! (posted some drabble for her on harrydraco and harrylovesdraco)
As part of your birthday gift....I found some images to help satiate our need for men with sexy/strong jaw lines. = P
For anyone else who's bored here's a little me and bondgirl convo that brought this on:
Siobhan: How would you describe his jawline? Me: me? lol
well the first word that came into my mind when you asked and i looked at the picture...
Siobhan: "hot"?
Me: delicious
Siobhan: "melt-worthy"
I could actually use that!
Me: why do you ask?
Siobhan: Oh, I'm working on my big bang
couldn't figure out the right description to use
Me: ah
well i have kind of a jawline fetish
i dont know what it is
Siobhan: lmao, I guess you could say I do too actually...
Me: i just love a man with a good jaw
Siobhan: omg I almost bust out laughing at that
I want to quote you so often
Me: lol
i have a list in my head of people with awesome jaws
Old photo, but still...
(I just love his sexy expression....I would've cropped this if I was at home lol....yeah i know it's a wallpaper)
nothing like a beat up jaw line....I know you're distracted by the hot body, but pull your eyes upward and you'll see it. = P
another wallpaper image from online....still. That's a MAN's jaw.
i'd totally hit that pirate. *nod*nod* love.
of course...the man in my default user pic. = DDDD....oh the things i would do to that man....
that's right, i got kirk and spock love. mmmmhm.
OF COURSE there are more men...but I should be working right now. lol.
Ta ta! Hope you enjoy this
bondgirl311 !!!