Jul 26, 2006 15:45
There was a discussion topic on one of the communities I'm in about the reasons why one chooses to date within their race or outside of it. I responded in kind: that I like to date outside my race, but I hope it didn't sound racist. Lol I've never really thought about race before when it comes to dating but I definitely think I prefer white guys over Asian. Physically...there's a component to it, but mainly I think the hardcore Asians are way too different from me to ever work. I have it in my head that they're...complicated and more inclined to dishonesty. Then again, I tend to think that the Chinese culture tolerate lies and rely on fakeness more in general so it's not just about dating. Eh, so I guess I'll endure the stares from Asians when they see interracial couples. It's funny because it's always the Asians (mostly girls) that stare, not Americans. Wow...maybe I am racist against my own race. Maybe not racist but "cultural-ist" lol because I prefer one culture over another - not necessarily race. I mean, I have had a lot of Asian friends, but they're all very Americanized in their way of thinking and living. I also find Asian guys to be hot if they have a personality like mine. So...nope I'm not racist. Lol I'd feel bad if I were racist against my own race. That'd make me a bit hypocritical. Just a bit.
Anyway, rant aside the last couple of days have been exhausting ones. I rented a U-haul yesterday and moved out furnitures. That was awful. I'm so weak since I stopped swimming and I felt like such a dumbass because I couldn't help out very much. Lol and then my dad was not happy with me when I got home because I did physical labor. Haha I can't believe he still divides work between "boy work" and "girl work". Maybe if he'll get over that one day, he'll teach me how to fix cars. Anyway, now I'm definitely a bum living with mommy and daddy. But at least by the end of the year, I'll be a rich bum. They were supposed to re-do the basement so I can have the whole basement to myself but from the way things are going, we're not going to be able to get it done. Instead, I've bargained with them for me to lay claims to the study. If they give it to me, I'm going to repaint the whole room, get a futon, a tv, and a big desk. That way, when Boyfriend comes over, we'll have our own place to chill and study without being under the scrutiny of the parents.
Everyday this summer has been magical and I'm kind of sad it's coming to an end. The date for my GRE test has officially been set to September 16. Now that I've registered, it's becoming a reality and I'm motivated to study. I'm looking forward to school because I'm taking bullshit classes to raise my GPA: Greek & Roman tragedy, Philosophy of religion, Shakespeare, Social Construction/ Sexuality, and the one class that matters : Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Fun stuff. I'm only going to to have class MWF unless I decide to take a Chinese language class, which will be 5 days a week. I'm also registering for their swim club and I'm uber excited about that :-) I just realized this is the first time I'm going to school while living at my rents' house in two years. Everything's so different though because I'm getting along really well with my parents so far.
I've been playing warcraft a little crazily lately with Matty. It's not my fault he now has two computers at his parents house and mine doesn't crash every 5 minutes. He wants me to spend the night more often at his parents house but I feel so awful. I feel even worse than when I'm spending the night with him at my rents' house. His parents are nice and so awesome but I get the weird feeling that they think I'm a slut when I spend the night. Lol and this had nothing to do with the fact that Boyfriend and I kept them up with our late night activities the very first time I spent the night there. Man, I may have hated the Louisville house with a passion, but it sucks not having a place where I can be alone with Matty. *sigh* Guess I can't have it all. Well, at least until I get married. Lol.
There's much stuff to write because I've been quite contemplative lately - a result of being bored probably, but this entry is long enough. Shall continue a later.