Not awake...not asleep.

Jul 19, 2006 15:12

I forgot my GRE book today for work. I really really miss it. Without something to procrastinate on, the time goes by SO slow. God, this will never happen ever again. Me <3 GRE. Speaking of school stuff I was talking to my parents and I've been seriously considering staying another year and not going off to graduate school immediately. It's somewhat stupid because by this spring, whether I want to or not, I'm going to have more than enough credits to graduate. But the fact that I'm highly unmotivated for graduate school, have no idea where I want to go, don't know what area I want to go into once I'm in there is kind of a problem. An alternative to this is taking a year off but I don't like that idea very much; not doing anything for a year will drive me nuts and will make me even lazier. Eh, but whodda thunk I would stay for four years for undergrad? Man, since freshman year, I've had plans of getting a Ph.D by the time I'm 25 and now suddenly I have no freaking idea what I want to do. Neuroscience? I like it but it's too research oriented to be a career. Clinical? Most likely if I can even get in; it's as competetive as med school. Some other field? Maybe...but what? It's so confusing and I'm so tired for thinking about it. If I do stay another year, I want to retake the Psychology GRE too...and I need to get a research position...and a scholarship for next year.

I've been having a lot of fun lately. For Matty's birthday, I ended up getting him a Playstation Portable. I felt kinda bad though because he had to spend another 200 to buy the games and stuff for it. *sigh* If only I were rich, I could get him the whole deal. On Monday (his b-day), we went to Waterworld. It was sooo amazing even though I've gone there a billion times. We only went on a few rides and spend some time in the wave pool but it was the best! Everything about it had this weird magical quality and I can't wait until we go back again. Afterwards, we went to Il Fornaio and had yummy food and dessert. I even got the waiter to stick a mini candle in the desert :-P Hehe my man's 22 now...he's an old guy!

Not sure if I mentioned this in my lj but recently Jewel had been pulling out her fur with her teeth and has a bunch of lesions on her back where the bald spots are. Being the paranoid hypochondriac owner that I am, I took her down to the vet. Yep it only took us $70 to figure out she has fleas. Apparently, both my cats have fleas but Jewel was allergic to some of the toxins from the bite; hence the lesions on her back. I didn't even know you can get fleas here in Colorado! I have a sneaking high suspicion that Dusty was the one that gave it to them. They've been going out for two years and never had trouble, but when the new cat got here (who also happened to be stray), they start getting the parasites. Grr... new kitten $75, getting rid of fleas $70, ticket on the way to bringing kitten to vet $10, getting rid of kitten...priceless.
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