What do you think of Rob Pattinson?
He's a very mesmerizing person to be around. He's got such a compelling personality. I don't think you'd want him for a boyfriend. And you couldn't just be his friend because he's terribly sexy!
OMG Robert Pattinson is her real-life Edward. Run for your life, Robward!!!
It's really too bad in some ways because Twilight is going to be limited by the fact that this is a vampire romance and it's basically aimed at teens. If not for that, his performance in my opinion is Oscar-worthy.
- Stephenie Meyer
sauceO RLY?
"I think most people read the book and it's an easy read. It's a nice book. So I think most people went in thinking, 'Yeah, it's a happy film.' I'm, like, holding the book and saying, 'No! This is going to win Oscars!' " he says, laughing at his own hubris now.
- Robert Pattinson
sauce Yeah, he's laughing at it now, but that comment made me lol in real life.
BRB, still lol-ing.