The Basics
Name: Cassie
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Location: Little Canada, MN
Your Weaknesses: Paranoia, talking to much
Your Strengths: Humor, trust
Your Talents: Graphic design, making people laugh
Favorite Color(s) and why?: Green. It has been my favorite color for many many years. I just think it looks nice on me and love all the different shades of green
Favorate Twilight Character(s) and why?: Well, I have two. Edward, because I love how protective he is and how compassionate. I think theres so much to him and I just admire everything about him. Then Alice. I love her personality. I find her to be extremely interesting.
Favorite Animal(s) and why?: Monkeys. I don't know, there is something about them that I find to be interesting. I love how the interact with one another and the different personality traits they have
Favorite Place(s) and why?: Probably Florida. I am kind of over everything that happens in my state but I love going to Florida. Anywhere in Florida. I just think it's a fun and exciting place to go.
Favorite Movie(s) and why?: Superbad, Pineapple Express, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Mean Girls, Eurotrip, Knocked Up, Juno and any other movie like that. I personally love humor. Anything that can make me laugh is alright with me.
Favorite Book(s) and why?: Twilight, obviously. lol but other than that, "White Oleander" by Janet Fitch. I seriously couldn't put that book down. It was so interesting to see where she ended up and the different situations she went through.
Favorite Television Show(s) and why?: My all time favorite show is Veronica Mars. I found myself relating a lot to all the different characters in different ways. It also helped motivated me to try and find my birth father, after watched one of the episodes.
Favorite Food(s) and why?: I love baked ziti, omg it is simply delicious
Twilight Related
Which character would you like to be your best friend? Why? I think that I'd probably be best friends with Bella. I feel that the two of us have a lot in common, especially the parents not being together anymore and having to move to a new place. I did that a lot as a child and I feel the two of us could really relate to each other.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? Honestly, I can imagine most people say this but Edward. I love how dedicated and protective he is. I feel there are things we have in common and would do well in a relationship together.
If it was between becoming a vampire or a werewolf, which would you become? Vampire, of course. I have always been into vampires and just feel it would be a more interesting life.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? I'd go see a concert of all my favorite bands and spend as much time as I could with my friends
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
Family, Love, Self, Money, Power
Anything else? Thanks for reading my application.