Nov 26, 2009 22:21
Things I'd like: JACOB/BELLA! I'll give you a lot of options...
→ Fanfiction - I like long one-shots, but I don't mind a few drabbles, instead, or a regular-sized one-shot (er... whatever you consider that to be). Something with a wintery sort of setting would be lovely (but not necessary; if you'd like to set it in summer, that's fine), with a lower-than-PG-13 rating, and humor (not fluff). I'd like it if the Cullens/Edward/vampires weren't mentioned at all, or very minimally. Some involvement with the werewolf pack would be nice. Feel free to somehow make this a pre-Twilight thing, too, with Jake and Bells as kids. Basically, just something with Jacob and Bella being themselves. Please don't make them all grown up/married/engaged/with kids. If you want to include an action/adventure/mystery sort of plot in there somewhere, go ahead! I'd love something that gets my heart pounding. Ignore BD! Or, y'know, if you don't want to do winter, some J/B camping might be nice - Jake proving to Bella that camping isn't all that bad, as long as you're doing it right, and people aren't trying to kill you. Except that Bella's still a klutz, so things go awry, anyway. :)
→ Fanart - Something happy (and, again, with some color) would be good; feel free to use my fanfic request above as inspiration, or just do something of your own!
→ Other pairings - BUT, if you'd rather not do Jacob/Bella, I don't mind Charlie/Renee (pre-Bella; how they meet?), or Leah/Bella (finally coming to an understanding that leads to more?), or Garrett/Kate (just how far will he follow her? Meeting at some point in the past?) as long as they're not going to depress me. Again, no smut.
What I can do: Fanfiction. I'd prefer to write Jacob/Bella, or Jacob/Leah, but I could probably pull of Leah/Bella, too. I'd also prefer to write humor/romance, but I can do angst/seriousness if I have to. I can also do manips, and wallpapers and fanmixes, maybe icons. I'd like to do a mostly fic-based gift, though.
What I absolutely CAN'T do: EDWARD/BELLA. Vampires. Gen. Heavy fluff. Heavy angst. Fanvideos. Layouts. Basically, anything that isn't what I listed above. I probably couldn't fulfill an all-graphics request, just because my Photoshop skills are rather come-and-go. I also won't give anything with a rating higher than PG-13 - so no smut. I'd like to avoid character-study fics.
Anything else: If you're making graphics, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE use Taycob&KStew! (And, for that matter, if I'm making graphics, I can't use anybody besides Taycob and KStew for Jacob and Bella.) PLEASE IGNORE BREAKING DAWN!
2009 wishlist,