Nov 16, 2009 17:55
Before things get busy around here, this post is to call for back-up gifters!
We had some problems last year when some Santas didn't reply and post their gifts, and we had to scramble to contact back-up gifters. So to prevent that from happening again, we hope to get people to help us.
A back-up gifter steps in to make a present for someone when their Secret Santa drops out (which inevitably happens every year). I know I've already got some volunteers, so if you'd like to make someone's Twilight Christmas by making them a present, please comment here with your e-mail, what you can do, and what you can't do.
Back-up gifters can be members of the exchange that are willing to make two gifts, or even members of the community who would like to make a present in order to make someone's holiday a little brighter.
Please volunteer!
!back-up gifters