final gift for bianca_raptor!

Dec 25, 2008 01:41

Happy holidays, bianca_raptor. I adore your username, btw. Raptors FTW! Here are your gifts. I hope you like them. And who knows, I may get further inspired between now and the deadline!

You said you needed a FO banner. I ended up making a few ((images found on, so pick your favorite! I also made you two icons.



I haven't written Twilight fic in a while, so I hope these are okay and satisfactory.

twilight; leah/jacob.
pg-13 (language). 886. :: Jacob is a persistent bastard and he knows it, which is why he believes he can fix her.

precious moments.
twilight; alice/jasper.
pg-13 (suggested sexual encounters). 241. :: Alice loves him for all his imperfections.

*2008 gifts

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