Meh, this was gackt from
ponderosa121, though I've seen it a few times.
The pairing you first fell in love with: Harry/Draco. Period.
The pairing you never expected to love as much as you do now: Sirius/Remus! When I first started in the fandom, I HATED SIRIUS/REMUS. With an extreme passion. I don't think there was anything that totally appaled me more than R/S fic, but now I love it. Go figure that one. o.0
The pairing everyone else loves that you don't: Ugh, there's a few here, but the worst? Harry/Snape. I'd really love if it had never been written, but that's ust my opinion, so if you love it, er... squee away!
The pairing you love that everyone else hates or not enough other people love: Harry/Sirius, maybe? Not too many people love that, do they? Eh, I don't know... Remus/Draco? The twins? Ginny/Stan? Ah, there's one... that no one has probably even heard of. o.0
The pairing you used to love but don't any longer: There was one pairing, I know, but I can't even remember what it was now... maybe it was Harry/Ron?