I have way too much to write, but it's been way too long since I've written any fanfiction. I'm terribly out of practice. x.x'
Title: Marry Me
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: 004. Photograph (
Warnings: Hermione's POV
Word Count: 330
Marry Me
I’m going to put it above the fireplace, right next to my own wedding picture. I don’t care if Ron makes his little protests or tries to talk me into putting it somewhere more discreet - it’s going on my mantle and that’s all there is to it. Harry is family, and this picture belongs up with the all the others depicting Ron’s red-headed relatives and my parents. It’s the perfect addition to our collection of photographs.
I have to admit, I thought Harry had finally lost it when he’d told me Malfoy wasn’t all bad. Of course, he probably had lost it by that point, but that’s irrelevant. I nearly died of shock when I went back to Headquarters after the war was over to find Malfoy bawling like a baby in Harry’s arms. Neither of them ever found out that I saw them.
It was another three months before Harry finally told us. I’d picked up on how Harry’d talk about him a lot and was spending less time with Ron and I, so it wasn’t much of a shock when he sat us down and told us both. I think I smiled, patting Ron on the back as he choked on a biscuit - we were having tea. He was a little… difficult about it at first, but slowly came to accept things. Ron just needed time. He doesn’t deal well with shock.
I’m glad Ron made no objections today. I didn’t think he would, but Harry was nervous, and Malfoy was nervous, and it’d be like him to say something to Harry like, “Are you sure?” and ruin the whole thing right there. But he didn’t. And now I have another new picture for my mantle.
It’s beautiful. The picture, I mean. I want to laugh and cry simultaneously as Harry grins, kisses him, and yanks away, Malfoy the color of a tomato. I’m glad it finally happened. I’m glad Harry has someone to share his life with.