(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 21:42

So I guess people are getting their panties in a bunch for lack of postage and I temporarily forgot LJ existed (eh heh) I may just have few things to write about...

For starters, Homecoming kicked MAJOR ASS.!! It was absolutely amazing. <33 Although I dislike my dress very much (Besides being kinda cute... RED!...) I offer my sincerest apolgies to those who saw.. eehhhh... well, you know.  XP Saw my attempts to jump up and down in a short dress.  Wow, actually that's pretty self explainatory isn't it?? ANYWHOOOO... Note to self *mumble mumble* never wear that dress again.   But the dancing was ... I don't know.  I haven't danced in months and *months*, and I was sure that when I got to the dance yesterday I'd make a complete fool of myself and my sad attempts to perform the Macerena to "My Humps".  But I didn't forget anything.  And it wasn't awkward at all.  God, I just love dancing so much.  Funny how I forgot that... And I even got to see Kamber and Steffie boogiewoogeying too, and in dresses at that! XD It was too surreal.  I LOVE YOU HOMECOMING!!! <33 I'll never forget you.

Actually, I can't wait to see the pictures people took last night... hopefully none of them are blackmail material or worse... in the yearbook. Yeouch.

But I don't think I'm ready for the weekly drudgery of school yet.  I still want to go romping outside in the sun or the rain, and just expereince life some more before the metaphorical cage slams shut again and it's back to sitting still and staring at the same walls and breathing the same stagnant air for eight hours every day, five days a week.   Being outside is nothing like school.  Life isn't anything like it either. The wind is always moving, always changing, rarely still yet it's never the same.  The taste is sweeter as well.  It's much easier feeling alive when the surroundings are awake and lively with you.  Being Indoors feels so.... dead.

Which reminds me- Saturday I saw the most beautiful thing.  It was raining hard still, but when my mom and I looked out the window, a broken rainbow was peircing the sky.  It was like a multicolored spear, because it only began arching in the sky when it became obscured by the clouds.  Then after than, I sneaked outside (when my curling- iron brandishing mother wasn't looking) and stood under the overhang of the house.  The sun was setting, a bright orange sphere barely above the rolling hills of the feild across the road, and the sky was clear in the West.  However despite it's vividness, the dark grey storm clouds still hung over our house with drenching, fat droplets of rain sliding off leaves and the roof and splattering on my toes.   Have you ever seen the sun shining in the pouring rain? It's beautiful.

Soo, I guess that's it.  Long enough entry, Snickers? S'okay.  Well, busy day tomorrow.  I need more sleep.

Oh, btw the Moving Day is Nov 1st.  We're moving to a house clear across Manchester, and roughly the same distance to school from this home.  And I'll be sharing the basement with my brother.  I don't think I'll be looking forward to that part.... I'm going to miss this house and these trees very much when we leave.  But it's something I've gotta do.


"On the grayer side of the greener side,
Like Dr Jeckll and Mr. Hyde...."

-- I need to finish this rhyme.  Any suggestions?
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