Newsletter: Tuesday June 2 - Wednesday June 3

Jun 04, 2009 23:11

(including interviews, upcoming events, new pictures)
     Peter Shows New site [twilexicon]
     Comic Con COntest [twilexicon]
     Trailer Reactions [twilexicon]
     Eclipse Casting [twilexicon]
     Buddyt Tv: Trailer Analysis [b/e]
     Mike Welch to star in Jason Epperson Debut [twilexicon]
     MTV Movie Awdards Pictures [b/e]
     Download NM Trailer [b/e]
     Twilight On E!News [twilightdotnet]
     Christian Serratos: On New Moon Movie [twilexicon]
     Rob's Appearance on Award Shows Helps Ratings [b/e]
     Quileute Nation Hires PR Professional [twilexicon]
     Twilight Anniversary [twilexicon]
     Chris Weitz At Italian Press Conference [twilexicon]
     NM Screencaps/Stills [b/e]
     Daily Roundup [ twilight_news]
     Reaction to NM trailer [b/e]
     Taylor Photo Shoot/ Rob in NY [b/e]
     Peter Talks "Nurse Jackie" [b/e]
     Gallery Update: Heat Mag Scans [b/e]
     Galler Update [b/e]
     New NM Stills [sb/e]
     Peter ON Fox [twilexicon]
     Entertainment Weekly outtake [twilgihtdotnet]
     Catherine takes on Hamlet [b/e]
     Kellan Defends Robs Abs [b/e]
     Daily Roundup [ twilight_news]
     Kirsten Photo Shoot [b/e]
     Taylor Meets Gary Marshall [b/e]
     Empire Talks to Sheen About New Moon and Aro [b/e]
     Site Update [twilexicon]
     Access Hollywood Behind The Scenes [twilexicon]
     Micheal Sheen in Empire [ twilexicon]
     Behind the Scenes: Seeing Double [twilexicon]
     Behind the Scenes of NM [b/e]
     Taylor Lautners Early Dance Moves [twilexicon]

Today's activities
(includes new communites, challenges/ficathons, searches and friending memes)
     sophicate posted Twilight Friending Meme
     atsuros_tiger made request
     twi_stillness posted challenge 19
     unofficial_me seeking review committee

Today's Various and Sundry
(includes discussion posts, reminders and "mod posts")
     lion_lamb posted weekly discussion post
     lion_lamb posted weekly movie discussion post
     sortofbeautiful posted weekly drabble post
     twilight100 posted drabble extension
     sortofbeautiful celebrates 2100 members
     jasperalice made spam post
     lion_lamb posted weekly rec post
     twi_stillness posted challenge 18 winners

Fanfiction: One Shot
     maerhys wrote Nothing is Lost Just Frozen in the Frost [e/b;Rosalie, PG13, au]
     eve_mirror wrote Neverland at[e/b, T]
     sushi-rox wrote I Won [E/J, PG13]
     francesamanda92 wrote Werwolf's Passion [j/b, R]
     fembuck wrote Shouldnt Doesnt Mean Dont [alice/esme, pg, slash]
     jacyevans wrote Living Backwards [e/b, pg13]
     spunsugar14 wrote What You Thought You knew [e/b, M, au]
     sarah3000 wrote Untitled Two-Shot [jake/quil, NC17, Slash]
     izhiru wrote Improv [j/a, pg13]
     maerhys wrote The Next Time We Fall We'll Have to Recall [b/e, PG13, au]
     lilabut wrote Always ENough [j/b, PG13]

     queenofgrey updated Betwixt with Chapter/Part #17 [e/b, M, au/ah]
     givinglove29 updated Inspiration with Chapter/Part #6 at[b/e, M, ah]
     pixies-stories updated Change Heartache into Courage with Chapter/Part #21 [jas/b, T, au]
     dreamskribbler updated Turning the World Upside Down with Chapter/Part #9 at[e/b, T, au]
     xcatchfarenxx updated Same Shit, New Town with Chapter/Part #11 at[e/b, M, ah/ooc]
     cursetheflame updated LHeure_Bleue with Chapter/Part #17 at[e/b, T, au]
     0holdonlove updated Relief with Chapter/Part #29 at[Canon, M , au/ah]
     call-me-lor updated Hi, Im Kim and IM a Jaredaholic with Chapter/Part #4 [Jared/Kim, PG13]
     lindsiloolabell updated Better In Time with Chapter/Part #3 [canon, M, ah]
     dreamofsunshine updated Emerald Eyes with Chapter/Part #1 [a/j, ah/au]
     adair7 updated What Impossible Means with Chapter/Part #11 [e/b, M, au/ooc]
     hammondgirl updated Resident Advisor with Chapter/Part #11 at[e/b, M, au/ah/ooc]
     cdunbar updated Resident Geek with Chapter/Part #2 [e/b, R, au/ah/ooc]
     dictums updated Obsession is a Four Letter Word with Chapter/Part #5 at[e/b, M, au/ah]
     hipsandcars updated Cant Make a Sound with Chapter/Part #12 [jake/ed, pg13, slash]
     gangsterdorothy updated Burning The Edges with Chapter/Part #19 at[canon, M, au/ah/ooc]
     that-writr updated In the Blink of an Eye with Chapter/Part #46 [e/b, M, au]
     ladysaruman updated Hell aka French Class with Chapter/Part #1 [em/r, T, ah/au]
     shadowglove88 updated Return to Forks with Chapter/Part #1 [jake/ed, NC17, slash/ooc/au]
     il_mio_cantante updated Chasing Deaylight with Chapter/Part #<8/a> at[e/b, M, au/ah]
aluminumvoyage updated Playing God and the Vampire Odd with Chapter/Part #24 at[e/b, pg13, au]
     cdunbar updated Resident Geek with Chapter/Part #3 [e/b, R, au/ah/ooc]
     pattinsonfan23 updated Near You Always with Chapter/Part #1 at[e/b, not rated, ah]

Fanfiction: Drabbles
     shadow1905 wrote Dont Look [alice;bella;edward, PG]
     megans-writing wrote Something Has to Change [C/B/Ed, NC17, threesome]
     a_tru_blu_27 wrote At the End of the Day [Em/R, PG]
     javidan wrote Emmetts Entertainment [em;ed;bella, G]
     megans-writing wrote Toothpaste Kisses [J/B, Pg, Au]
     maerhys wrote Excuse Me While I Break My Heart [j/a;b/e, PG13]
     citizenjess wrote 5 ways Bella Could Have Kicked It Bella, PG13]

     itslikenature drew Dark of Night [j/b]

(includes icons, wallpapers and banners)
      mtv movie award icons by silencehappens
      NM icon/banners by placeofthunder
      K/R icons by lipstickxmalice
      NM animated icons by marilyne-22
      29 NM icons by meganlovesjared
      Twilight (cast & other) icons by dictums
      43 MTV Movie awards icons by jubileegotspunk
      10 J/B icons by travelinghare
      Cast icons by colorless-ideas
      Movie Award icons by polaroidsmiles
      Dream Team Manips by marinameira
      Cast & NM icons by wantualways
      NM icons/a> by motokoayoama
     NM icon/banners by ralphy137
      80 MTV Movie Awards icons by dazzledgreygirl
      NM icons by just4friends
      NM icons by xnatalie-dx
      23 NM (animated) icons by pjbeliever
      NM banners by gracemac
      Twilight Icons by stolen_summers
      66 twilight icons by twilightt_lovee
      Movie Award icons by paperxflowerz
      twilight move/cast icons by crushcrushicons
      twilight/new moon icons/banners by fragiledaylight
      2 wallpapers by coffs
      twilight/cast icons/animations/wallpapers/a> by damnprecious23
     84 NM icons by taylahbob
      7 twilight icons by laylablackicons
      20 twilight icons by xelvee
      cast icons by emosss
      twilight icons by graphs_by_me
      NM icons by be_withyou
      NM icons by thedayisbrave
      NM/Movie Award icons by creaphics
      4 manips by lilabut
      1 header/ 2 wallpapers by soft-memories
      twilight icons by breakfastea
      NM Poster by tinderbox210
      3 wallpapers by xelvee
      NM icons/headers/sidebars/wallpapers by shivanie
      59 movie award icons by ur_attention
      NM icons/signatures by summer-sun18
      15 twilight icons; 6 NM headers; 1 NM wallpaper by saniday
      twilight icons by spg-spn-girls
      60 NM icons by dazzledjem
      28 twilight icons by lionlamb30
      26 Nm icons; 8 NM banners by iwouldstoptime
      cast icons by whoremosexual
      NM icons by phoebe2008
      Twilight/NM icons/Banners by wwonder
      11 NM trailer/cast icons by insideglory
      204 Twilight/NM icons by wantualways
      12 twilight icons by dreamsilk
     NM icons by crapnahalficons
      twilight icons/banners by gloriousbite
      Cast/NM icons by dream-2me
      45 R&K/NM icons by mandayxo
      31 NM icons by whysosensitive
      twilight & K/R icons by picture2burn
      twilight icons/banners by gloriousbite
      26 NM icons;2 headers; 7 Animations by cry_ghost
      20 R/K icons by aidaartist
      60 twilight cast by wanna-get-back
      11 NM gifs by gothicyuna
      40 rob icons by blissiflies
      3 b/e manips by evildeathchik
      4 b/e wallpapers by evildeathchik
      21 b/j icons; 1 header/wallpaper by lollipops_s
      13 jacob icons by krysyuy
      12 twilight icons by evildeathchik
      NM/R&K icons by sim27
      NM/Kirsten icons; wallpaper by estherthomas
      No. Who Graphic-Type by username
      48 Nm/Cast icons; 2 walls by twembachen
      32 NM/Cast icons by lust_circus
      22 NM icons by dazzled1918
      Animated NM icons by marilyne-22
      twilgiht icons by pinkolove
      27 Ashley/Kirstren icons by lipstickxmalice
      NM/Movie Awards/Taylor icons by motokoayoama
      Twilight/NM(including animations) & Cast icons by bloomyicons
      twilight icons by photoshopfreak
      35 K&R/NM icons by davedozy
      28 kirsten icons by wreckoftheday89
      twilight icons by vargesz

(includes layouts, fanmixes, videos and screencaps)
     chelsea-hale made NM picspam
     nyuukimiko made NM picspam
     0ciaobella0 made NM Mvid
     pink_goose made NM Mvid
     twilighterlife made NM Mvid
     bonesfirst made NM trailer
     ljmd posted 286 pictures
     famouslyso made rob picspam
     beadiecritter made NM Trailer
     bluesuzanne posted kirsten & taylor photos
     filmfreak16 made NM Mvid
     dorkfish04 made k/r picspam
     just_l_twilight made favid
     chamalla made Twilight Mvid
     0ciaobella0 made Twilight/NM: B/E Mvid
     dream-2me made Twilight Movie fanmix

(the things that don't fit anywhere else)
     username posted "best chest" pole for Taylor Lautner at
     tiny_pixy made Stephanie Appreciation post
     cc_lover wrote poem for Jasper

Obviously this isn't everything in fandom. If you have a tip or something you think we should keep a look out for, feel free to leave us a comment.
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