Part 2

Apr 14, 2007 18:29

Part 2 of my Gene/Sam fic "Its all wrong but its

The next day Sam arrived at the station feeling on edge. Ray’s informants had come through and several local street rats were brought into the station for questioning in regards to the case. The Guv was keen to break them so Ray was brought into the lost and found to help grill one of the suspects.

The sense of unease Sam had been feeling since awakening this morning seemed to dissipate upon Gene’s entrance complete with manila folder in hand. Sitting himself next to Sam, Sam stilled when he felt Gene lean into him, slightly touching the sides of their bodies together. It was quick and subtle and no one else seemed to notice but Sam was sure he did it on purpose. At least he thought so.

“No,” Sam thought, “I’m imagining things, oh great like I need more of that.”

With Ray perched behind the baddie, questioning commenced.

After about 15 minutes of shouting and threatening it became clear the suspect wasn’t going to admit to anything but wanting a lawyer. Gene was unwilling to give up so easily so he and Ray kept on their badgering while Sam stared off into space mentally willing the nightmare of police procedure he was living to stop.

All sound in the room began to fade as the beeping and bleeping noises began to swirl around Sam. Bringing his hands once again to his ears Sam concentrated on the voices filtering through his head.

Sam is not responding to the stimuli Mrs. Tyler. With the tests coming back negative it is advisable to stop all testing until another sign of response is shown.

There is nothing that can be done for him now. All we can do is wait and see, if he regains consciousness, how much brain damage has actually been incurred. For all we know he may well be in a vegetative state.

“NO!” Sam jumped up from his seat, “That’s not true, I’m here, I’m well, I can think. Somebody listen to me! Don’t give up on me!!”

Everyone turned and stared in amazement at the peculiar display Sam was putting on.

Gene came around the table and grabbed Sam’s arm pulling him out into the hall way,

“Control yourself Sam. What in the bloody hell are you playin at?”

Sam wrenched his arm out of Gene’s grasp, “Can’t anyone help me!” he screamed on the top of his lungs then he looked directly at Gene and the fight seemed to leave him, “I just want to feel whole again. I just want to understand what’s happening to me. Please, maybe I can’t get home but I want this all to stop. Now.” He looked beseechingly at Gene as if his DCI could somehow come up with all the right answers.

Ray came sauntering out of the lost and found with a snide curl to his lip,“He should be locked up in the loony bin Guv. No offence boss.”

Gene ignored Ray focusing all his attention on Sam, but Sam snapped. At Ray’s mention of a loony bin a picture of Billy Taylor flashed through Sam’s mind and he threw himself at Ray bringing them both down to the floor. He then proceeded to repeatedly punch Ray over and over in the face.

“I’ll kill myself before I let you bastards put me in there.” Sam choked out as he continued his assault on Ray’s once smirking face.

“Alright, that’s it!” Gene grabbed Sam’s arms and pulled him up off of Ray with so much force both of Sam’s feet came into the air. The Guv then proceeded to practically drag Sam, while he twisted frantically, down the hall and into a room Sam had never seen before.

Sam glanced around wildly taking in the room. It was obviously a storage room with desks and chairs shoved haphazardly into most of the free space.

Gene shoved Sam down into a chair he had pulled from a stack.

He then walked to the far end of the room, turning with arms crossed across his chest, he spoke.

“OK Sammy boy, you going to tell me what that was all about or am I going to have to be draggin it out of you?”

“Leave me be Gene. It’s none of your business.” Sam stood up, his stance aggressive, as if he was preparing to fight his way out of the station.

“Now that’s where your wrong you nutty git. Everything to do with you is my business. You got that? Now it seems I’m becoming a rather patient man when it comes to you Sammy and I’ve ignored a lot of your nutty remarks and loony actions because, well I guess, I just didn’t want to face them, and risk losing you, but now it seems I may lose you after all and not to some nutter hospital but to your own head.” Gene stared intently at Sam who had become suddenly deathly still.

Gene smiled sadly, “I don’t know how you do it Sam but you make me want to belt you one and protect you with all I got at the same time. Now I’m telling you all this because I’m done mollycoddling this situation. You,” he jabbed his finger harshly at Sam, “are going to tell me whats going on in that noggin of yours so we can make sense of it and move on once and for all.”

Sam threw his head back and started to laugh hysterically, which scared Gene more than any violent fit could have.

“You think you can make sense out of what’s happening to me do you Gene. Well that’s just bloody wonderful, why didn’t I think to ask you before,” Sam approached Gene stopping but a foot from his DCI and spoke in an intensely hushed tone; “I am in a coma. I am from the year 2006 and my mind has sent me back 33 years. I can hear my doctors speaking above me in hospital and they have decided to give up on me and stop trying to awaken me. So you see Gene, I’m well and truly stuck here unless I wake myself up and nothing nothing I have tried has worked. I am afraid if this keeps up I am going to end up like Billy Taylor and I would rather die then end up in that place, you can count on that.” With stony self control still in place Sam took a few steps backward away from Gene and waited for the big man’s response to his speech.

Gene had spent the entire length of Sam’s confession with an unreadable expression upon his face never once taking his eyes from Sam’s.

He slowly nodded his head up and down one time and moved forward to invade Sam’s personal space in a way that could be described as both threatening and intimate. His tone was harsh but his face looked desperate with something that looked suspiciously like fear, fear Sam realized was for him.

“Now you listen to me and listen well. You will never repeat any of that rubbish to anyone again, not even your little bosom buddy WPC Cartwright. I even see you twitch in a nutty manner again I am going to personally thump you so badly you’ll be pissin blood for a week, understand?”

Sam shook his head angrily, “I can’t ignore what’s happening to me Gene. I think it would be best if I just left here, today!” Before Sam could make a move to leave the room Gene’s hands flew out grabbing Sam roughly by the neck of his shirt. Whirling Sam around Gene lifted him up and using his body to move him onto the edge of a desk that sat a few feet away, Gene roughly shoved Sam flat down over the dusty surface and having placed himself between Sam’s flailing legs leaned down to bring his face directly in front of Sam’s.

Sam heard the wooden relic creek in protest but at that moment all he could bring himself to care about was the feel of Gene’s body meeting his and Gene’s crotch pressed tightly against his own at the edge. Heat that had nothing to do with fear or anger swept through Sam’s body with the speed of lightning and his breathing became shallow and harsh. He felt himself hardening. Gene, he noticed, was having the same difficulties  he was.

They looked at each other for a long moment and when Gene finally spoke it was harsh and low in his throat.

“Don’t push me Sam. I’ve taken a lot of your shoving but I’m to the point of shoving back. You’re staying right here where I can look after you because by god you need lookin after and I guess I’m the one who’s going to have to do it.”

With that said Gene’s mouth crashed into Sam’s in a kiss that was primal in every sense of the word. Gene’s tongue thrust itself violently into Sam’s astounded mouth taking possession in a way that silently spoke of dominance and ownership.

Sam knew he should be feeling anger or something akin to it but he couldn’t make himself care that Gene was manhandling him and forcing his tongue into his mouth because if Sam was to be honest this is what he wanted, had wanted for quite a while now.

Without thought Sam struggled to lift his hips up to grind them against Gene’s, the bigger man responded by growling almost menacingly and thrusting his hips forward harder into Sam’s. Gene’s hands then swept down the sides of Sam’s body and grasp tightly onto his ass helping Sam to thrust up as he thrust down, not once losing the desperate contact between their mouths. The desk was hard and uncomfortable and they had to strain to reach each other but neither cared.

Chris’s voice broke through their lust driven frenzy as he called through the door for the Guv. Apparently one of the suspects was willing to talk after some solo time with Ray.

Surprisingly it was Sam who broke the kiss. Gene stilled but did not pull away. Staring hard into Sam’s eyes Gene unhurriedly brought his hands up and tenderly cupping the back of Sam’s head, he yelled angrily out at Chris, “I’ll be there when I get there.”

Outside the storage room door Chris visibly winced at the tone while inwardly feeling sorry for DI Tyler and the reaming he must be getting from the Guv. It must be bad for the Guv to do it in private. You couldn’t hear a thing though because the walls of that storage room were the same as the one’s that made up the lost and found. He turned away and went back to join Ray.

Sam allowed his head to fully rest into Gene’s hands as he looked up at him through half closed eyes. He didn’t understand himself or what he was feeling, not completely, but for the first time he felt safe and grounded in a way he had never felt before, not even in 2006. When Gene spoke his voice was whisper soft while remaining hard as stone.

“Only Gene could affect that tone;” Sam thought silently.

“So I’ve been thinking long and hard about this and I’ll tell you what I’ve come up with. I ain’t some sensitive wishy washy sod who don’t know who he is or what he wants but you have sure sent me for a loop. Now, I find out what I want Sammy boy and once I know I do what it takes to get it. Now it seems, much to my surprise, what I want is you so by God I’m gonna have ya. I’m not planning on nothing getting in my way, not even you being a nutter. Anything you’d like to add?”

“No Guv,” Sam shook his head slightly since Gene was still cradling it in his hands. Gene nodded once, slowly released him and rose up. Holding out a hand he pulled Sam off the desk and turned slightly to face the door while still keeping an eye on him.

“I’ve got to go see what Ray’s managed to pry loose from that pierced punk. Why don’t you take yourself on home and call it an early day.”

Gene’s tone called for no argument and Sam was too dazed by what had just happened to give him one. Nodding once and without a single word Sam exited the storage room and walked absentmindedly down the hall.

Everyone was gathered around corners to get a look at what the Guv had inflicted on his DI. From the dazed look on DI Tyler’s face and the slow unsteady way he walked everyone agreed the Guv must have given him a good thrashing, but only where the bruises wouldn’t show.

“Sam! Sam, wait up. Are you all right?” Annie came up beside him as he made his way down the station corridor.

“What am I doing Annie? I’m not supposed to be having these feelings let alone giving into them. I’ve been here to long. That must be it. I’m cracking up in my own indefinable way.” Sam said abstractedly.

“What are you talking about? What are you feeling? Your not feeling odd, are you Sam?” Annie asked genuinely concerned for Sam now that she knew how precarious his strange ramblings could become.

Sam looked up startled as if he wasn’t aware of her even being there a moment before. “Forget it Annie, really, I’m not going to throw myself in front of a train or pull a gun on Phyllis,” Sam stated with a placid smile. “I think I’ll head over to philosophize with Nelson on the mysteries of life and then I’ll head home and call it an early evening in front of the television.”

“Alright Sam, well if ya need someone to talk to you could always give me a ring you know.” Annie said with a hesitant smile.

“Thanks Annie.” Sam paused and looked at Annie for the first time since she joined him. His gaze changed from thoughtful to intense in the blink of an eye. “Annie,” Sam said reaching out a hand and placing it gently on her shoulder, “Thank you for being such a good friend to me. You are a very special and giving young woman.”

Saying nothing more Sam’s hand dropped to his side and he walked purposely out of the station.

Sam only told Annie he was going to see Nelson so that she wouldn’t be concerned about him, he had no real intention of going to the pub but oddly enough he found himself walking into the boozer as if on instinct alone.

“Hello there weary pilgrim. What brings ya in at this time of the day. Taken another beatin from the sheriff and his gang?” Nelson accented voice greeted him warmly.

“Hey Nelson. I got sent home early. The Guv thinks I need…ah…rest.” Sam replied in a subdued tone as he sat himself down at the bar directly across from where Nelson was standing. The pub was completely empty save the two of them.

“Nelson this is not going to make any sense but when does anything I say sound remotely coherent so bare with me.” Not waiting for Nelson to respond Sam pushed on,

“Have you ever not wanted something to happen but deep down you did, you just didn’t want to admit it because it would cause you to question everything you thought you knew about yourself and then it happens and you have never been happier in your life and it scares you so badly you just want it to stop.”

Nelson stared speculatively at Sam for a mere moment before he spoke, “If this thing brings you happiness where you have so little why would you not want it?”

“Because Nelson!” Sam spoke suddenly agitated, “Its not suppose to be this way. I am in control! This is my life, mine. I decide how I feel and I don’t want to feel this. Not this way anyway.”

“What? Happiness?”

Loudly exhailing Sam’s head dropped into his hands, “No. Yes. No. Listen Nelson, ever since I came here all I’ve thought about is how to get home but, although it may be hard to believe, I am a rational person and I have come to realize the chances of that are very slim. I realize that what I need is to feel safe. Grounded. This place,” Sam gestured wildly with his arms, “is as foreign to me as another planet. I can’t do this on my own anymore Nelson.”

“No one can get through this life alone, my friend. We all need someone to lean on, to be our touchstone in the maelstrom that is life.” Nelson replied that mage like inflection in his tone.

“Well what if I found who I think is my touchstone but they are completely the wrong person?”

“If they make you feel safe and loved how can they be the wrong person? You really are a confused man Sam.”

Sam barked out a laugh, “If you only knew Nelson.” Sam stilled and sat quietly for a few minutes while Nelson watched him with an air of curiosity. Suddenly Sam shook his head from side to side and spoke.

“Well I won’t give into my emotions. I am an intellectual being and I can overcome this. If I don’t, things will go from unreasonably complicated to preposterously problematical.  I’m going to do what I should have done ages ago.”

“And what’s that my strange friend.”

“I’m leaving.” With that Sam stood up, smiled regretfully at Nelson and walked towards the exit. “Perhaps you’ll see me again sometime. If there is one thing I have learned from this it is never say never.” And then with nothing more to say, Sam left.

Sam had nothing to pack but a few pieces of clothing and the picture of himself he had found at his parents abandoned flat. With that all stowed together in a small duffel bag Sam sat down on his cot, shut his eyes and searched for the strength to walk out that door, away from Gene, and never look back.

Suddenly mind made up, bag in hand Sam resolutely stood when suddenly a hard knock shook his door.

Uncaringly Sam threw it open only to be pushed backwards by one Gene Hunt. Slamming the door shut with a loud thud Gene stalked into the middle of the tiny room completely dominating the space with not only his size but his indescribable presence.

Gene gave the room a quick glance before looking Sam up and down briskly. Spotting the bag hanging at Sam’s side Gene’s eye’s narrowed to slits.

“What’s the bag for Sammy boy?”

Sam, bolstered by his resolve responded confidently, “I’m leaving Gene.”

“Back to Hyde?” Gene’s conversational tone threw Sam. After what had happened between them at the station he had expected more of a reaction, in fact he feared he was going to have to fight his way out of the flat, but then he shook himself. “You should be thankful he’s not reaching out and thumping you,” Sam thought to himself.

Gene took off his coat and slung it over the television set.

He then turned and started to move towards Sam. Sam stiffened as if preparing to defend himself but Gene stopped, tested the cot’s strength and satisfied it wouldn’t mutiny under his weight, gingerly sat.

Hands clasp together, elbows on knees Gene looked up at an outwardly placid Sam. “Well, you didn’t answer my question. Back to Hyde then?”

“Yes, back to Hyde.” In actuality Sam didn’t know where he was going but it was the easiest response.

Gene shook his head thoughtfully, “I don’t think so.”

“What?” Sam began to feel anger growing in the pit of his stomach. This was his life and he was sick of Gene Hunt pulling his strings.

“I think you heard me.” Gene sniffed the air, “Now be a good lad and put the bag down.”

Sam snorted diversely, “I don’t think so,” throwing Gene’s words back at him.

“What you running away from Sam? Me or yourself?”

“Both,” Sam spat as another sudden burst of anger shot threw him, anger at Gene, at himself, at the entire insane situation. Months of teetering on the edge and the last two days of facing the finality of it all had culminated to this moment and left Sam emotionally drained and suddenly all he could feel was the fiery churn in his stomach.

“There is nothing for me here Gene! I’m leaving before Annie or you or even better Ray calls in the white coats and I end up doped and bound in some padded cell like Billy Taylor.

“That’s not going to happen. I wouldn’t let them do that to you. Do you still have such little faith in me Sam?” Gene’s voice was clear and confident in a way that spoke of his resolve.

Sam’s anger faded as quickly as it had come upon hearing those words spoken with that voice and whatever fight he had left with it.

“Just let me go Gene.”

“Fraid not and don’t go playing the prick and tell me your leaving because you don’t want what you know is going to happen between us Sam cause I didn’t feel you pushing me away earlier in that storage room down at the station.”

“This is all wrong Gene and you know it.”

“Yeah, well that’s what I told myself too Sammy boy when I first started having thoughts about my male inspector that I ain’t never had for anything that doesn’t have a nice pair of tits and wear a skirt but after awhile a man gets tired of denying himself and lord knows I ain’t never been a star at it.”

“So what about your wife?”

“What about her? Truth to tell we ain’t been more than friends for years. Good friends mind you but friends none the less. See, dedicating yourself to your job as I have all these years don’t lend itself well to keeping the home fires burnin if you know what I mean.”

“Just out of my morbid sense of curiosity, what is it with us Gene? Friends with benefits or one off and that’s it?”

“What in the hell are you talking about? You must think I’m as daft as you. Do you honestly think that I shove my tongue down the throat of everyone of my male DI’s or your just the lucky one. Listen here you nutty git I wouldn’t be sitting here planning on shagging your brains out if there was anyway I could get around it because believe me if I could be feeling this way for a busty byrd in a short skirt instead of a loony self righteous brainbox with a ding-aling I would.”

Sam suddenly, unknowing what to do, acted on impulse and turned sharply to make it out the door. Gene, who could move surprisingly quickly when he wanted to, was up like a shot, grabbing Sam’s arm and twisting it behind his back as he used his body to slam Sam up against the door. Pressing Sam’s chest and face into the door Gene put his mouth next to his ear.

“I told you Sammy, I take what I want. Now I know you ain’t objecting because of your maidenly virtue, I’ve got eyes, your just being a stubborn ass, well I’m better at playin that part than you so you best just play nice or I’ll have to play rough.”

“You mean you don’t consider this rough,” Sam panted out as his breath was suddenly becoming hard to catch.

Gene chuckled in a manner that caused shivers to shoot down Sam’s already tingling spine but much to his frustration he realized the shivers weren’t being caused by fear. “You have yet to see rough out of me Sam. You see, I’ve been takin it easy on you, because there has always been something about you that’s made me hold back the worst. You just don’t know me well enough to realize that.”

Sam snorted and pushed himself back against Gene in an attempt to free himself.

“I suppose this is how you woo all of your conquests. I should have guessed.”

“Nah, only fancy little pricks from Hyde who wouldn’t dream of lowering themselves to give in to what they really want.”

“You think you know me Gene, but you have no idea who I really am. Now get off me!”

“I may not know what your first word was or why you wear your hair so close to your puffed up head but I know you Sam Tyler, maybe even better than you know yourself and maybe you know it and it scares the living shit out of you.”

Sam stopped his feeble attempts at struggling out of Gene’s grasp and went still as stone.

Feeling him still and sensing the change in his demeanor Gene loosened his grip and slowly turned Sam around to face him.

Sam’s head suddenly slumped down so that his forehead pressed heavily into Gene’s chest.

He whispered, “I just want to feel normal again. Tell me I won’t end up like Billy Taylor. Please Gene, even if you don’t mean it.”

“I need you Sam, so if you think I’m letting anyone take you away from me, even yourself, your nuttier than I thought and I hate to break it to ya but there is no hope of you being normal.”

Something shifted inside of Sam’s chest and an ache he hadn’t even known was there eased. Suddenly needing confirmation of everything that had happened today Sam’s head flew up and lips collided with lips.

The kiss became savage as Gene turned them to lie out on the cot. Changing his mind halfway down, he quickly lifted Sam back up and opted for the dirtier but much more reliable floor. Pressing Sam down into the dingy carpet Gene’s hands automatically went for his fly.

Sam broke the kiss and heaved out the words, “Have you done this before, with a man I mean?”

“Nope, have you?”


“No worries. Trust the Gene Genie.” And upon hearing those familiar words Sam couldn’t help but groan.

The groan soon turned from exasperated amusement to something altogether different when Gene reached into Sam’s pants and grasped his dick. Gene’s big calloused hand stroking him was like nothing Sam had ever felt before. Unable to stop himself he threw his head back and lifted his hips to counter Gene’s hand.

Sam’s shocked eyes flew wide open upon feeling Gene’s tongue scrape over the tip of his already over stimulated member. “What.” Sam gurgled in amazement.

“I never do anything at half measures Sammy boy.” And without looking Sam could see Gene’s smirk in his minds eye. That was Sam’s last coherent thought as Gene’s mouth enveloped him and his tongue began to swirl.

Sam came quickly and made quite a mess as Gene’s inexperienced technique wasn’t equipped to handle the entire finale.

It didn’t matter because almost instantly Gene had their positions flipped and it was dazed Sam’s turn to return the favor. Sam let instinct guide him but he needn’t have worried because Gene was more than ready and so very easy to please. As Gene’s hands combed through Sam’s hair to cup his head Sam felt proud that he was able to give this to Gene. A thought that should have confused him but it didn’t. Gene didn’t thrust up or move much at all but his hands, that were gently massaging Sam’s scalp, began to shake and Sam knew it was time to double his efforts. Speeding up Sam brought Gene over the edge and as he went Gene’s hands fisted in Sam’s hair grasping the short hairs in a precarious death grip and let out a growl that reminded Sam of something he had heard a lion emit on the discovery channel.

When Gene’s head lolled forward he quipped in his cocky voice, “Next time we’ll take off all our clothes first.”

Sam chuckled contentedly.

“Right,” a smile breaking out across Gene’s face, “Lets get righted, go get a bite to eat, come back here and go at it again.”

Sam could only smile bemusedly, “Who would have thought you were such a romantic Gene.”

“I know Sammy boy, I’m a man of hidden depths.”

And with that they did just as Gene suggested.


Link to Part 3

gene/sam, fic, slash

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