Title: Here Comes Haruka
Rating: G
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Cosplay
Summary: A glimpse into what Michiru and Setsuna would talk about in their free time as normal women.
"If Haruka were to dress up as anyone, she would be Speed Racer."
"That's somewhat superficial, Michiru."
"What, you know she races cars and used to wear cute little scarves."
"Speed Racer?"
"Are you saying that's all Haruka does, race cars and wear cute little scarves from time to time?"
"Speed Racer also knows karate, Setsuna."
"Why not Go Mifune?"
"She looks good in dark blue."
"Just because I'm blonde doesn't make me an American."
"...are you sure Haruka is best suited as Speed Racer? There isn't some other fictional character that best suits Haruka physically and mentally?"
"Besides, Speed Racer has dark brown hair."
"You know, that would make you Trixi."
"I do own my own helicopter."
"But he is rather graceful..."
"Vain, spoiled, and enamored with Speed Racer."
"My talisman is a mirror, I attended Mugen, and--"
"Here she comes, here comes Haruka!"
"Nevermind, she's not Speed Racer."