Title: Sometimes
Theme: Rei
Genre: Angst/Romance
Version: Anime
Rating: G
Summary: Rei reflects on what could have been.
Sometimes I think, "What if I had been stronger?"
Would things have ended up differently?
How different would it have been?
And would I want it to be that way?
Could it have been that way?
The fire crackles in the dead of the night, echoing off the wooden walls swollen from the summer heat. The sides of my hands grow warm from the rosy light cast upon my frame. Sometimes I see his face, disrupting my mediation, my eyes squinting in demand for him to get out.
Sometimes I simply can't let him go.
The curve of his neck, the slant of his cheek bone, the stability of his broad shoulders blanketed by that silly green jacket of his. His dark bangs falling into his eyes like the tips of ravens meeting the sky. The way his eyes glow when she smiles.
Her smile brings me to shame.
What if I had been stronger, could I have forgotten him?
Would I have been able to stop glancing at his stoic figure clad in a red lined cape?
Would I have not wanted her to fall that day?
Could I have put myself in front of her without hesitation?
Sometimes I think I should be so ashamed. Sometimes I think I finally could have him.
If she hadn't smiled.