Who: Yuffie Kisaragi, Jack Skellington, possibly some Squall Leonhart, maybe? throw him in, throw him in
What: It's a tea party!
Where: Jack and Squall's lovely apartment.
When: ... Shit. TBD.
Warnings: Who knows.
Her day at work had been woefully long, another beautiful afternoon wasted in the front lobby of the Parthenon, which to her chagrin always seemed to keep that smell-a mix between sweat, cologne, and pine-scented air freshener. The moment her shift had been over, Yuffie nearly sprang out of the desk, barely saying good-bye to her coworkers before nearly sprinting all the way home. There was only so much a girl could put up with, after all, and being consistently hit-on by bodybuilders and overweight, middle-aged men was not something Yuffie was keen on dealing with day-by-day... unless she were to be paid for it.
She zipped through a quick shower, hair still damp and completely flyaway around her face as she exited her apartment, dressed in a pair of slightly-slouchy jeans and a horrible nautical-inspired t-shirt she had bought in a fit of whimsy and immediately regretted the day after the return policy ended. It hit right at her hips, exposing a flat slab of Yuffie-tummy, but she seemed to hold little qualms for exposed skin, and anyways, she could easily kick the arrogant ass of anyone that would even express any attention to her flat-chested self.
Man, she really needed a car, because walking to this apartment totally blew in the hardcore way.
Eventually Yuffie managed to make her way to the apartment in one piece, hands fisted in her pockets and her familiar messenger-bag slung around one tiny shoulder. She tried to remember which apartment Jack had told her was the right one-she should have written this done-and actually knocked on two wrong doors before she was positive this had to be the right one.
She sucked in her breath, squared her shoulders, and rapped on the door smartly before settling back on her heels. Nothing to do but wait for someone to answer the door, whether it was Jack o’ Lantern or Leon the sociallly inept; either one would do.