Who: Crux and Squall
What: Introverts unite, accidentally.
Where: Rabanastre Apartment Complex lobby
When: Thursday evening
Warnings: Uh, nothing as of yet
Crux was returning home, a bit later than usual. She had been staying behind after hours so that her boss could go over the routines with her. Routines that Crux really didn't care that much about but needed to learn none the less. She couldn't understand why they had decided to place her in a position where she had to deal with people, both over the phone and face to face. She was the most socially inept of the bunch and barely spoke at all. Perhaps it was just a way to try and lure her from her shell, to throw her out headfirst without a life jacket in to what most people called life.
Pushing the door open she stepped into the lobby, her head bowed down and a somewhat contemplative look on her face. There were too many things tumbling around in her mind at the moment. Work, change, her social phobia, people, challenges, memories and some things she preferred not to think about, ever, at all. It had caused her to be scattered brained all day long and it had nearly come with some dire consequences.
All she wanted right now was to get into her apartment where she could turn everything out and ignore the world, take a long shower and curl up in the couch to watch re-runs of her favorite soaps.