Who: Squall Leonhart and Yuffie Kisaragi
What: Going to the movies, 'cause that's what cool kids do.
Where: Movie theatre within the city.
When: Noon
Warnings: TBA. Likely, none.
Yuffie was not good in movie theatres. She was far too antsy to sit still for very long periods of time, and for her, two hours was nearly an eon. She was one of those movie-watchers who liked to comment to the person she was next to, and it seemed every scene ripped a reaction from her: clawing the armrest during a particularly tense moment, getting genuinely pissed at bad guys, or even getting a little tender-eyed during well-executed romance scenes.
It was fortunate Squall did not know this, because it would have probably contributed to a denial on his part to her most-generous invitation to attend a movie with her.
Not that it stemmed from any reason than that Squall was her current source of amusemement, and that riling him up was much more entertaining than any slasher film could ever be. She could hardly believe that he had actually agreed to go with her to watch this movie; that he, of all people, was standing next to her in line for popcorn and that it wasn't some really weird coincidence. She would have pinched herself, but she wasn't in the mood for doing dumb stuff like that and instead was messing around with her ticket stub, ripping off little pieces. Per usual, she was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, with a hoodie tied around her little hips like she was still in third-grade.
"So, Leon," she said, her voice holding the gravity of the world's greatest quandary, "should I get a large... or a medium? The small's kind of stupid-looking and it's totally a jip too for so little."