
Aug 20, 2004 15:55

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lord_ruthven August 20 2004, 13:22:07 UTC
Don't blame you. There's only so much of random butt-monkeys posting arse in strangers Journals that anyone can take!

Did that make sense?

Like the Cabbit overload?!?



twilight_amoeba August 21 2004, 02:44:49 UTC
Well It kind of made sense.
Yes... well i've had a couple of those 'butt-monkeys'... so Its going friends only, and obviously your going to be able to read my journal *^_^*

Yes, I loved the cabbit overload!
More more more!


lord_ruthven August 21 2004, 05:48:38 UTC
Glad I didn't fry your brain there. Thanks for counting me in your 'Friends'. =^_^=

As for more Cabbits, I'm always on the lookout for them. Will post any and everything I find!


twilight_amoeba August 21 2004, 06:30:22 UTC
Im glad you didn't either. As I shall need my brain to hatch more plots that include dissolving my imp-like sisters brain...
Hey no problem, I value your Cabbit comments! Among the others, hehehe.

yay, I shall be on the lookout too. What does Holly think of this cabbit plushie idea?

I might look up some pictures now too...


lord_ruthven August 21 2004, 09:39:12 UTC
Holly thinks they are uber-cute!

We were disussing the naturally impossible chances of getting rabbits an cats to inter-breed successfully.

I stayed away from 'unnatural' methods...



twilight_amoeba August 23 2004, 02:50:30 UTC
Good good.

Glad you didn't let her catch onto the idea that we might be experimenting to inter-breed cats and rabbits. *^_^*


lord_ruthven August 23 2004, 03:28:25 UTC
Or skipping the 'middle man' and simply splicing genes together and growing in test tubes...

Can't wait to get started!



twilight_amoeba August 23 2004, 03:29:58 UTC
Woo, good idea. *^_^*

Can't wait either. Hehehehehe.



lord_ruthven August 23 2004, 03:33:34 UTC
*Rubs hands gleefully*

I'll try to refrain from evil scientist type laughter.

Now, to find kitty suitable kitty and rabbit subjects



twilight_amoeba August 23 2004, 03:35:19 UTC
*^_^* Okie pokie.

Ummm I would offer Pip as a possible test subject, but shes dead :( So, meep. A cute kitty and a rabbit from a garden center would do nicely.


lord_ruthven August 23 2004, 06:13:21 UTC
Hmmm... did Pip have one of those little animal donor cards?

The garden centre will do nicely, we shal have to visit under the cover of darkness and whisk them away when no-one is watching!

I think we need a hunchbacked malformed dwarf and call him Igor. Someone has to do the 'dirty work' after all, and it can't possibly be either of us.

Any suggestions?


twilight_amoeba August 23 2004, 06:16:19 UTC
No, I don't think so, shame really.

Hehehe, good idea. Igor? Hmmm, good choice of name. Hahaha, yes, because Im not doing the dirty work. We shall have to get test tubes and liquids that are weird colours.


lord_ruthven August 23 2004, 06:44:30 UTC
Hmmm... shame about that, yes.

Ooh ooh, can we have a cronky looking machine with lots of dials and buttons and lights on it?

The test tubes etc will be set up in such a way to put spaghetti junction to shame, and the lab will be dimly lit. That way, the light from liquids etc will cast eerie sp00ky shadows about the place. All very 'Hammer House' and all very marvellous. I'm sure if we mixed 'glowstick juice' into it then it will have the desired effect.

Right, need to think of potential 'Igor' candidates...


twilight_amoeba August 23 2004, 09:48:10 UTC
Ooo yes a cronky machine is good! Also one that goes "bleep" every now and then. And makes ramdom scary noises, and produces smoke...

Yay, I like the idea of that, many many test tubes of various shapes and sizes. Oooo yes mabey glowstick liquid might produce the desired effect, im all up for green and purple glowing liquids.
Also mummfied remains of 'unnatural' animals in jars would also be good...

Igor candidates? Hmmm, should be on the look-out for one. Hunched, short, hairy and smelly... with shifty eyes.


lord_ruthven August 23 2004, 12:11:15 UTC
Yeah, we cannot be without the specimens in jars!

The bleeping, random scary noises and smoke are essential, wouldn't be the same without it.

Actually, it's beginning to sound like a night at Inquisition =o_O=

If we can't find an exact match for the Igor candidate, maybe we can kidnap some random drunk at Inquo and drug them up. Should produce the desired effects...


twilight_amoeba August 25 2004, 07:05:39 UTC
o_O Yes, it is beginning to sound like a night at Inquisition... Imagin letting cabbits lose there, wow.

Hehehe, kidnapping some drunken guy? Perfect plan! *^_^* Then brainwashing him might be fun...


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