Title: Always Love
fallingawake18Characters/Pairing: Edward/Bella
Rating: Rated M for mild lemons, language, drug/alcohol use and dark themes including allusions to suicide
Category: Drama/Angst
Spoilers: None
Summary: My name is Bella Swan. I am eighteen years old, and I just lost everything. That everything was Edward Cullen. AH, AU.
Chapter 1||
Chapter 2||
Chapter 3 Preview:
I threw my groceries in the bed of my truck and started over towards Jake's house. My heart was beating heavily and worry filled my mind about what could possibly be so urgent. He had said it was bad news. Bad news could mean a number of things. I bit my thumbnail.
However, though filled with concern for Jake, I couldn't help but notice that every green traffic light I encountered immediately made my mind wander back to Edward's eyes.