~*DEDICATED TO my BFF Caryn (JazzGirlIndy /
jazz_girl317 ), who not only shares a fandom of their love and of Twilight with me, but who also keeps me on track with my writing and holds my hand through both the best and the worse of it. I love you.
*~* Watch in HD if possible. ~*~
Song: "My Love" by Sia (Pitch-Shift)
Program: Sony Vegas Pro 8
Fandom: Real Life: R♥K, Twilight
Pairing: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart (partially as Edward & Bella on a Breaking Dawn set)
Summary: There was just too much beautiful footage of Rob & Kristen in Brazil for me NOT to do a video. This is my tiny rendition of their beautiful love. The growing intensity of it.
Click to view
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