My tweets

Apr 08, 2023 12:00

  • Fri, 14:11: The Republican racist who authored a resolution to expel two black members of the legislature representing $130,000 tennesseans who are now without representation is a lying bigot and don't believe anything else about him because he doubts himself in his speech! #Liar
  • Fri, 14:11: RT @ Stonekettle: Well, mass shooters aren't killing children by throwing soft fully jelly filled donuts at them. Guns are the problem.…
  • Fri, 14:11: RT @ davidhogg111: You don’t expel people unless you are terrified of them. Republicans know the power of young people and they are trying t…
  • Fri, 14:11: #Tennessee3
  • Fri, 14:11: RT @ TheTNHoller: We don’t know who made this but whoever did we salute you. #TennesseeThree
  • Fri, 14:12: And the obscenity on top of obscenity is that these horrible human beings are raising money off kicking the two youngest black men out of the legislature because they are scared of them and don't like them!
  • Fri, 14:13: RT @ ChrisMurphyCT: TN State Rep Justin Jones was just expelled from the House bc he spoke up against gun violence. This is a big moment. W…
  • Fri, 14:13: RT @ JoyceWhiteVance: The DC Court of appeals has reversed a district judge who refused to let DOJ charge 1-6 defendants with obstructing an…
  • Fri, 14:13: RT @ JoyceWhiteVance: Julian Bond was a Black man elected to the Georgia legislature in 1965. The legislature refused to seat him b/c of his…
  • Fri, 14:14: RT @ ChrisMurphyCT: Ok - here we go. We were able to create a link to give to both Justin Pearson and Justin Jones. The Republicans can ki…
  • Fri, 14:14: RT @ OMGno2trump: Q: What kind of idiot nut case shows off classify national security documents to guests at his private club? A: The esp…
  • Fri, 14:14: RT @ OMGno2trump: Where we're at: Clearance Thomas has taken bribes worth many $10s of thousands a year for decades. He knew it was illega…
  • Fri, 14:15: RT @ OMGno2trump: Regardless of what Trump, Fox, the GOP or Elon try to tell you, the big majority of Americans are outraged by Trump, his G…
  • Fri, 14:15: Somebody want to tell me why the principal isn't stopping her and why he still has a job?
  • Fri, 14:15: RT @ fawfulfan: I've made this point before: there are a lot of rural Republicans in Texas who *hate* school vouchers and see it as a threat…
  • Fri, 14:16: RT @ fawfulfan: This is very bad framing. This rule is not a reversal. It's not even a compromise. It's unabashedly pro-trans participation…
  • Fri, 14:16: RT @ OMGno2trump: Trump's lawyers appealed to the judge to ban TV cameras at his court hearing because they didn't want it to look like a ci…
  • Fri, 14:16: RT @ ProjectLincoln: So do we.
  • Fri, 14:17: RT @ TheTNHoller: WATCH: “Why did you not go to the ethics committee? You’ve only done this to 2 people in 200 years.” @ VanJones68 brings…
  • Fri, 14:17: RT @ DemocracyDocket: Our work isn't done until all eligible voters can easily and conveniently cast their ballots under fair maps and know…
  • Fri, 14:17: RT @ KeithOlbermann: THEY WERE EXPELLED for Legislating While Black. Democracy is dying in Tennessee; Biden must send in the Guard to protec…
  • Fri, 14:18: RT @ davidhogg111: Just got this message “My Trump-voting, Fox News watching mother in law has given up on Trump and while watching our TN…
  • Fri, 14:18: Irony is dead
  • Fri, 14:18: RT @ marceelias: Texas Republicans are back at new voter suppression laws.
  • Fri, 14:18: RT @ TheTNHoller: WATCH: “It looked like a Jim Crow-era trial… the world is watching Tennessee.” Earlier today the @ TNblackcaucus held a p…
  • Fri, 14:18: RT @ fawfulfan: White nationalist. The phrase you're looking for is, white nationalist. This is not hyperbole. This is not liberal spin. La…
  • Fri, 14:19: RT @ OMGno2trump: Justice Thomas is lying. His trips on private jets, super yachts and extremely exclusive private resorts around the world…
  • Fri, 14:19: RT @ votevets: GOP leaders betrayed our Afghan allies. They're trying trying to hide it and blame Biden. But we won't forget. When it really…
  • Fri, 14:19: RT @ amyklobuchar: This is not how a government by and for the people works. This is not how our democracy works. It’s a shameful act tryi…
  • Fri, 14:19: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: What is happening in Tennessee should terrify and infuriate us all. If this can happen there it can happen anywhere. And…
  • Fri, 14:19: RT @ davidhogg111: A die-in in the Tennessee state capitol right now for the six kids and caregivers who died last week, and the #TennesseeT
  • Fri, 14:20: #TennesseeThree
  • Fri, 14:21: RT @ JoyceWhiteVance: If you wanted to take some of the heat off of Trump for being indicted, you'd gin up something about like what happene…
  • Fri, 14:21: RT @ clairecmc: Will someone please post the names of the Tennessee Representatives that voted to expel the two young black Representatives,…
  • Fri, 14:21: RT @ fawfulfan: 1) This was not an insurrection. The TN students did not break barricades, assault cops, call for anyone to be hanged or loo…
  • Fri, 14:21: RT @ tedlieu: Liberals will continue to teach that: Racism is wrong Bigotry is wrong Climate change is real Michelangelo’s David is not…
  • Fri, 14:22: RT @ KeithOlbermann: BIDEN MUST FEDERALIZE the Tennessee Nat'l Guard to protect he expelled legislators and democracy. THE SENATE must inve…
  • Fri, 14:22: RT @ marceelias: For those asking, @ DemocracyDocket is not build on Substack. It is its own free standing news site. As such, you can contin…
  • Fri, 14:22: RT @ JoyceWhiteVance: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
  • Fri, 14:27: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: Democrats are trying to ban assault rifles because our kids keep getting shot and killed in school. Republicans are tryi…
  • Fri, 14:39: RT @ davidhogg111: Wait you mean the thing that we’ve been saying since the Parkland shooting in 2018 that we’re going to turn out and vote…
  • Fri, 14:39: RT @ davidhogg111: I can’t get over how this video was taken in 2023 but it looks and sounds like history already. Gen Z is making history.…
  • Fri, 14:40: RT @ HillaryClinton: Following yet another school shooting, Tennessee Republicans have moved on from offering empty "thoughts and prayers" i…
  • Fri, 14:40: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: In the Republican Party - advocating for the safety of our children gets you expelled. But attempting to overthrow the g…
  • Fri, 14:40: #TennesseeThree
  • Fri, 14:42: The man is a racist and pretends that what he did is rooted in in some kind of rule as opposed to in violation of the Tennessee Constitution to say nothing of the First amendment of the United states!
  • Fri, 14:42: This woman is a bane on the existence of humans and needs to go away now!
  • Fri, 14:42: RT @ ProjectLincoln: Trump is neither smart nor disciplined…but the team around him is. It’s no coincidence that @ realDonaldTrump’s Waco ral…
  • Fri, 14:43: Reason reconstruction was destroyed was because it was actually working!
  • Fri, 14:46: RT @ DNCWarRoom: President Biden has led the economy to 27 straight months of job growth. Donald Trump presided over the single worst jobs…
  • Fri, 14:47: RT @ DNCWarRoom: Kevin McCarthy’s speakership has been a distraction-filled disaster. AND he still hasn’t put forth a budget proposal. https…
  • Fri, 14:47: RT @ ACLU: Doctors shouldn’t be threatened with criminal prosecution for giving their patients information about the health care they need.…
  • Fri, 14:47: RT @ BillKristol: “Trump’s MAGA movement…gets its charge from the willingness to be subject to the authority of a deranged leader. All repre…
  • Fri, 14:48: #TennesseeThree
  • Fri, 14:49: RT @ imillhiser: As someone who believes that the Supreme Court has too much power, and whose literal job is to explain how this broken inst…
  • Fri, 14:50: Let's not forget that Walgreens is still participating in an all-out assault on women by refusing to sell legal drugs that help to manage miscarriages because they are cowards and running from Republican AG's who threaten them! #BoycottWalgreens
  • Fri, 14:50: RT @ DNCWarRoom: The Biden-Harris administration’s economic agenda is powering our clean energy future. Congressional Republicans continue…
  • Fri, 14:51: Is the GOP writing the ads for democratic candidates at this point?
  • Fri, 14:51: RT @ davidhogg111: The gen z is going to obliterate the GOP in 2024
  • Fri, 15:08: Why would you not return the man that was democratically elected by the county that includes your city if you are Memphis? What the hell is wrong with that mayor?
  • Fri, 15:08: RT @ clairecmc: Looking at the coverage there were 30 voting against expulsion for the white Representative. And only 25 voting against expu…
  • Fri, 15:08: RT @ RBReich: The Supreme Court is facing a serious legitimacy crisis, and failing to hold Clarence Thomas accountable for this latest ethic…
  • Fri, 15:09: #TennesseeThree
  • Fri, 15:09: RT @ jilevin: The Republican Party has become a danger to our democracy and values.
  • Fri, 15:10: RT @ SenSchumer: Apparently Tennessee Republicans care more about stopping CERTAIN Democrats from speaking than they do about stopping Ameri…
  • Fri, 15:11: The nonsense coming out of Fox News is obscene. This country was built on protest. The Tennessee Constitution guarantees legislators the right to protest with and or for their constituents. That's all that happened and the Republicans lost their s***!
  • Fri, 15:20: Republicans argue that a $15 donation to The Biden campaign several years ago somehow makes him a biased judge. But apparently they also argue that clearance Thomas is there all affected by hundreds of thousands of dollars of in kind donations! #Wth?
  • Fri, 16:27: @ PSETalk sends a third party company out to fix the power that has gone out in a house next door to mine. They decided they're going to replace all sorts of things once they get here. They warn NOBODY that they're going to cut the power for at least 2 hours! WTH??? #NOTOK!!!
  • Fri, 16:27: RT @ tedlieu: Dear Justice Thomas: Your billionaire “friend” who you met after becoming a Justice, would not extend lavish hospitality to yo…
  • Fri, 16:34: RT @ imillhiser: And a second federal judge in Washington just ordered the FDA to NOT stop allowing mifepristone to be dispensed. Which mean…
  • Fri, 16:34: RT @ tedlieu: Democrats put #PeopleOverPolitics and passed the Chips and Science Act, which will increase manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Wh…
  • Fri, 16:35: RT @ DemocracyDocket: Even when Asa Hutchinson (R) recognized that voting restrictions were harmful, he allowed bills to become law without…
  • Fri, 16:35: RT @ DNCWarRoom: REMINDER: Donald Trump has always put the ultra-wealthy and special interests over working families - he handed out billion…
  • Fri, 17:03: Under what possible law does this judge tell the FDA they aren't legally allowed to rule a drug safe to be used? Of course the question is what drug will they go after next? The FDA needs to be made whole again by judge who will stop the activist nut job in Amarillo texas!
  • Fri, 17:04: THIS
  • Fri, 17:14: RT @ imillhiser: So funny story. I am on vacation. I was four drinks into today, and far away from my laptop, when these competing abortion…
  • Fri, 17:14: RT @ ChrisMurphyCT: Remember where this started. Just kids. Asking the adults in charge to protect them from being gunned down. The GO…
  • Fri, 17:15: #TennesseeThree
  • Fri, 17:16: These people are arguing that if the FDA allows mefiprystone to be moved through the mail it would violate a 19th century Comstock Act (1879). This is absolute nuts!
  • Sat, 09:43: This judge out of Texas is making a ruling that makes no sense! This also means that any far right nut job could go after anything the FDA approved because they don't like it. We need to stop this from destroying the @ POTUS @ PattyMurray @ SenatorCantwell @ RepDelBene
  • Sat, 09:44: This was never about leaving it to the States this was always about expanding into a nationwide band because these people want complete agency over your body!
  • Sat, 09:49: We cannot let this federal judge out of Texas destroy the FDA's ability to regulate drugs! @ POTUS @ PattyMurray @ SenatorCantwell @ RepDelBene @ SenSchumer @ SenatorDurbin @ SpeakerPelosi
  • Sat, 09:49: RT @ Stonekettle: I'd been looking for wood ducks all afternoon. Nothing. Headed back to the parking lot, golden hour, sun setting through t…
  • Sat, 09:50: An issue an opinion to undo fda's ability to regulate drugs, and this is nothing less than that, while talking about starving unborn humans to death is insane! That isn't what's happening at 10 weeks!
  • Sat, 09:50: RT @ votevets: Veterans know the weight of the weapons we carried. We know what they can do. They are weapons of war, and they have no place…
  • Sat, 09:51: RT @ KeithOlbermann: THE SENATE MUST CONDUCT HEARINGS into the bribes taken by Justice Clarence "Boss Tweed" Thomas. Thomas's condescending…
  • Sat, 09:51: RT @ MeidasTouch: Trump judge declares WAR ON WOMEN with nationwide ban of abortion pill, the GOP attacks Americans with fascist moves acros…
  • Sat, 09:51: RT @ marceelias: As I consider how much we rely on the courts to protect democracy, one set of numbers jumps out at me: There were 175 conse…
  • Sat, 09:52: Do they not understand how bad they look? You refuse to feed poor children but give yourself a larger meal ticket? How about somebody sue them for malfeasance?

#notok, #tennessee3, #slavaukraini, #tennesseethree, #tennesseet, #wth, twitter, #liar, #reprobate, #boycottwalgreens, #peopleoverpolitics

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