My tweets

Mar 15, 2023 12:00

  • Wed, 08:19: because they use the word as a boogeyman and it means whatever they want it to mean for a moment to moment and they don't have a definition!
  • Wed, 08:20:
  • Wed, 08:21: a lesbian couple in Starbucks is grooming nobody and this woman is both delusional and has been lied to by Fox and The Fringe right!
  • Wed, 08:22:
  • Wed, 08:24:
  • Wed, 08:27: ugh, another right-wing troll running for senate! Just what we need! NOT!
  • Wed, 08:29: oh look, they unpack Saint Reagan when they want to attack someone but ignore him on those rare occasions when he sounded reasonable!
  • Wed, 10:18: Somebody needs to tell that judge in Texas if he wants to make law he should run for congress. The FDA regulates drugs, that's their whole remit, & this ridiculous dragged out 3 1/2 -;4 weeks of will he or won't he destroy the rights of women across America is ridiculous!
  • Wed, 10:19: Why is this judge still on the bench? He tried to hide what is supposed to be according to the Constitution a public court hearing from everyone and that should be enough to impeach or debench him alone!
  • Wed, 10:21: The plaintiff is full of s***! This suit should never have been allowed to go forward! We have 20 plus years of a completely safe drug on the market that somebody doesn't like so they're trying to take it away from everybody else!
  • Wed, 10:23: RT @ peoplefor: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would've been 90 today. She embodied the power of federal courts to make our lives…
  • Wed, 10:23: RT @ KeithOlbermann: "RonDeSantisFL's reputation fell faster than the US Drone into the sea off Ukraine. His isolationist motto sinks withou…
  • Wed, 10:23: RT @ ForeignPolicy: While the deal may have temporarily damaged some of the United States’ interests in the region, the upside could signifi…
  • Wed, 10:24: RT @ frankthorp: Here we go: Senate voting NOW on the procedural vote to move forward with Eric Garcetti's nomination to be US Ambassador to…
  • Wed, 10:24: RT @ Forbes: A federal criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s media company Trump Media has expanded to include potenti…
  • Wed, 10:24: Why are they rehearing the case they struck down last year?
  • Wed, 10:26: RT @ CREWcrew: The DOJ argues that no actions by Trump could have allowed Peter Navarro to totally ignore the January 6th Committee's subpoe…
  • Wed, 10:26: SVB execs cashed in an awful lot of stock just before it blew up, one has to wonder what the hell that was all about?

#wth, #crs27, twitter, #ukraine

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