Feb 28, 2023 12:00
- Mon, 12:11: Trump with his foul language is upset that somebody else use the phrase piss off? What an absolute idiotic hypocrite!
- Mon, 12:11: RT @ MarkWarner: If the Fifth Circuit’s decision, which could make every CFPB rule unconstitutional, is permitted to stand, there will be fi…
- Mon, 18:41: Do not let BiBi take over your judicial system #Israel
- Mon, 18:42: Senate Bill 202 as it is known codified that county residents could make unlimited requests to election officials ask them to remove voters from the rules if the challengers believed they were ineligible. That is insane and Georgia is disenfranchising voters left right & center!
- Mon, 18:43: Restore every one of the 92,000 people whose voter registrations were screwed up by whiny people last year! #Georgia #vote
- Mon, 18:44: https://t.co/4aJmXtBeGI what the hell is wrong with this woman? Why would you vote against morning the dead?
- Mon, 18:44: https://t.co/uRHvSFdLBz
- Mon, 18:45: https://t.co/NQwWrBh50z
- Mon, 18:45: https://t.co/D3LzeQjcZ9
- Mon, 18:46: https://t.co/RNQTdP12YS #Why?
- Mon, 18:47: https://t.co/o60AuQjZW5
- Mon, 18:48: https://t.co/dERbA4QTf1 look you #reprobate #hypocrite, either drag is okay or it's not but can't be true that your drag was fine and somebody else's drag is not!
- Mon, 18:49: https://t.co/5aM0FFlo3n which makes Fox guilty of lying knowingly!
- Mon, 18:50: https://t.co/K5XTcIhylT how long before Disney gives up and moves out of Florida or organizes a way to get rid of this idiot governor? I'd prefer the latter but whatever!
- Mon, 18:53: https://t.co/FAEv0fy7sm and actively deregulated the railroads while Trump was in office!
- Mon, 18:54: RT @ ansonmount: This is awesome. Thank you.
- Mon, 18:55: And knew it! https://t.co/6bWaQFKRjw
- Mon, 18:56: Really? More stock options instead of more money to fix the disaster you created in East Palestine ohio?
- Tue, 08:47: https://t.co/4nh9ChI1Nw Why the hell are you pulling your own productions? It sure as hell isn't to avoid Penny and royalties?
- Tue, 08:47: https://t.co/0g3iakKh1N I wonder if UC Berkeley would invite all of the students to enroll over there?
- Tue, 08:53: https://t.co/tCOY34TmRo oopsy doodle
- Tue, 08:54: https://t.co/g4hL3Xw9NP
- Tue, 08:54: https://t.co/w3zFRRrrt6 forcing women to bear a clearly unviable fetus is evil and cruel and clearly your attack on women. Where I living in a state that had that kind of a law? There would be no sex in my life.
- Tue, 08:55: https://t.co/AJLM7xpwW3 Trump frequently loses it when people tell the truth!
- Tue, 08:55: https://t.co/An0ht4K2R5
- Tue, 08:56: https://t.co/oSrJ7bDIg3
- Tue, 08:56: https://t.co/oSrJ7bDIg3 probably
- Tue, 08:56: https://t.co/ndnyLElelj
- Tue, 09:02: I'd love to see the final entrants in #KidsBakingChampionship go up against the final entrants in #springbakingchampionship in a two episode show off because it would be fascinating to see who would succeed there better :-) #food
- Tue, 09:02: RT @ PattyMurray: Child care. Paid leave. Home care. I'm live with parents and advocates from across the country to make clear we've got to…
- Tue, 09:02: RT @ TimRyan: I agree wholeheartedly with @ SecRaimondo. We worked hard to pass the CHIPs and Science Act because at it’s core it is a Nation…
- Tue, 09:04: https://t.co/44dqQu4AId
- Tue, 09:05: https://t.co/IYyg6LgBk8
- Tue, 09:05: https://t.co/7bzRnKTpLm
- Tue, 09:05: https://t.co/lf59rPTKFj
- Tue, 09:06: https://t.co/BTXQhgxcJR
- Tue, 09:06: https://t.co/o4zSFeouxJ
- Tue, 10:56: Why are we letting pandemic era snap benefits expired tomorrow? First the pandemic isn't over regardless of what fox wants us to think and secondly people are still struggling. @ POTUS @ SenatorCantwell @ PattyMurray @ RepDelBene
- Tue, 10:57: https://t.co/AJLM7xq4LB because he always loses it when people tell the truth about his lies!
- Tue, 11:04: https://t.co/nfTGi6DW6i #GOP NEEDS to stop supporting the invader, the butcher, the attacker. And really? Quoting China's government Mouthpiece as a news source?