Title: Tropism
equinox_blue Rating: G
Genre: Romantic, reflective
Characters/Pairings: Jasper/Alice
Table/Prompt Beta; #18, “Need”
Word Count: 173
Spoilers: None
Summary: She’s the sunlight, the water, the air he needs.
Notes: Unbetaed, Cross posted
Disclaimer: Everything Twilight related belongs to Stephanie Meyer, and is used without permission here. I, however, do not claim what is theirs and only what is mine.
Tropism Title: Foresight in Nightlife
equinox_blue Rating: G
Genre: Romantic-ish
Characters/Pairings: Jasper/Alice
Table/Prompt Beta; #5, “Joy”
Word Count: 536
Spoilers: None
Summary: While she waits for the beginning of the rest of her life, she sees him.
Notes: Unbeta-ed, Cross posted
Disclaimer: Everything Twilight related belongs to Stephanie Meyer, and is used without permission here. I, however, do not claim what is theirs and only what is mine.
Foresight in Nightlife