Title: Elbow, part 1
Team: Vampire
Challenge: Sex
Rating: PG13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob/Bella
Warnings: It's a sex challenge, duh!
Author's Notes: I really don't understand what my mind does sometimes :) I asked it for some J/B stuff for
bluesuzanne and this is what it came up with!
Jacob was enjoying a bout of post-coital bliss, entangled in Bella’s arms and legs. Bella was already drowsing and beginning to talk in her sleep.
"What’s the sexiest thing about your partner?" she murmured. Jacob raised his eyebrows. They had been stuck in the checkout today behind a woman who insisted on triple coupons AND paying by check, and Bella has skimmed the latest Cosmo quiz.
He thought about the obvious parts first, of course. After all, he was only human. Emphasis on man.
But no, that was too obvious.
He decided the sexiest thing about Bella was her elbow.
Title: Elbow, part 2
Team: Vampire
Challenge: Sex
Rating: PG13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob/Bella
Warnings: It's a sex challenge, duh!
Author's Notes: I really don't understand what my mind does sometimes :) I asked it for some J/B stuff for
bluesuzanne and this is what it came up with!
Really, her elbow.
The elbow she jabbed him with in the stomach when he was snarky and she saw fit to chastise him. He always made a big show of doubling over.
The elbow she propped her arm on, when she was pulling an all-nighter over a college essay.
The elbow she leaned on when she sat up in bed next to him and decided what salacious thing she wanted to do next.
Jacob gently lifted Bella’s arm and kissed the joint in question.
"Hmmm?" mumbled Bella, opening one eye.
"I was just thinking, honey, you have really sexy elbows."