Title: Homeless
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Change
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alice
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: A different take on the challenge.
She is not sexy. So she cannot be a prostitute.
She is not particularly talented, except in a forbidden way. So she cannot entertain.
She is just Alice.
She’s okay at begging. All it takes is some big eyes and a tattered blanket. Oh, and a coffee cup.
By lunch time, the cup’s only about a fifth full of change. She can’t get much with it, maybe a cigarette, which she could pawn off to some poor sucker for a few bucks.
She has a feeling things will get better.
But how can they not? There’s only up from here.
Title: Mother
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Change
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bella
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: None.
She rubs her stomach lovingly and, like all mothers-to-be, knows that things are going to be different after the baby comes.
She doesn’t know how though. And she’s thrilled she’s having the baby; she really is. But she can’t help but wonder if she had enough time with Edward without the baby. Does she really want to raise a child now?
How many newlyweds have children right away? She’s never known a couple to get pregnant within the first month.
Yes, having a baby will change things.
But Bella doesn’t know if it’s for the better.
Or if she’s ready.
Title: A Letter
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Change
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Renee, Charlie, mention of Bella...weird set up. You'll see.
Warnings: Renee is mean in this if you look at it from a different angle.
Author's Notes: None.
Dear Charlie,
Our little girl is growing up. This is going to be awkward - especially in a letter - but I think you should know because it is important because you don’t see her every day and also because I wouldn’t want you to be…unprepared when she visits.
Bella had her first period the other day. She was nervous, of course, especially because she doesn’t really have any friends to share the experience with. (Maybe the Black sisters could be of help?) Everything was normal, though.
I’d suggest stocking up on junior pads or something.
Anyway, thought you should know.
For those of you who didn't see her being mean, I hadn't originally intended her to be. It just sort of happened. She's sort of taunting Charlie with this--that he isn't around to see these things happen, embarassing as they may be for him. I didn't feel like I was writing this one--it pretty much wrote itself. Hence her meannness...
Title: Exchange Rate
Team: Werewolf
Challenge: Change
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alice, Bella
Warnings: Whiney!Bella. Oh, wait, that's just Bella being Bella.
Author's Notes: None.
“Bella. Slow down. We need to get some money first.”
“Money! Dammit, Alice! Does it look like we have time to get money?” She points to her watch, agitated.
Alice taps her temple. “Psychic, remember? We have enough time. Money talks. And you don’t speak Italian.”
“Alice! It’s almost noon.”
“I know. Just…go wait over there. I’ll flatter my way to the front of the line.”
Alice joins in small talk with the last person and he steps aside to let her move ahead.
Stupid vampire.
In three minutes, American money has changed into Euros.
“Money equals food,” Alice says.