Posting because I CAN and because my day has SUCKED.
I didn't take a shower this morning because I was so tired I thought I was going to pass out. I actually did. Just...not in that way. Well, maybe. But whatever. English we watched a movie--I slept. And then came our lab day in Chemistry, and Jack decided it would be amusing to find out what places on my body turn me on the fastest. Needless to say that an hour passed by very uncomfortably. Took my quiz in Italian, DEFINITELY failed it. Slept in study hall. Read in History. Lunch. Did nothing in Chorus. Failed my last test in Algebra. That, though, I don't care about, since I have a B in Franco-cheese's class.
Went to Amador's, watched more Grey's, and then we tried to figure out how to make an icon.
And then, I confirmed something I have suspected for a few days--Christina gave me poison ivy.
THE ONLY THING GOOD ABOUT TODAY IS THE FACT THAT THE METS ARE KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF THE GIANTS. The score, right now, is 7-1. And it's only the top of the 5th. We've scored five runs in this inning alone. IT IS THE BEST APOLOGY I'VE EVER SEEN FOR LAST NIGHT'S 10-2 LOSS.
9-1. I heart my team.
Right. I'm going to bed. Night, yo!
Edit: I MADE MY FIRST ICON! Here it is: looks a little big. GUHSNARF.
Anyone here who makes icons and is willing to (and has enough time to) teach me?