So Kim
missescargot asked me a few days ago what subject she should write a paper on. It had to be somewhere along the lines of 6 subtopics and I mentioned "Well, how about parties/raves/clubs/social scenes/situations/culture?". Apparently her teacher took the bait and she wanted my input. This is her myspace email asking me what to say and what I said.
"Hey Twiigy...
So I'm trying to work on this paper. My teacher is really pushing me to do your topic (yay!). I dont think she exactly understands the "club/party" scene that I'm thinking of. Hahaha. I mean, partying up here is like...everyone going out to the pasture and getting drunk with the cows or something. haha. I mentioned house parties and she was like "well, one question I would ask is 'what is a house party?' " So...yeah. Its going to be an interesting paper if I end up doing it. Haha.
She's mainly thinking of like college students and such, but for the most part...I dont think we're talking about college students. In SA, theres a whole other BREED of person. Wow. This is going to be a culture shock for these people beyond belief. Hehehhehee.
Anyway...just thought I'd let ya know. I'm still debating between that and Hitler's heath and how it effected his position in WWII.
love ya TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well if its houseparty she'd like to understand I want you to tell her this VERBATIM:
As you mentioned, up there the whole idea of "party" is going out to pasture and drinking beer with your buds. The way it is here is completely different as it is in actual cities. Even moreso with a person like myself because I quite literally grew up in the early 2000 rave culture. SA-austin had the largest scene outside of NY or CA so you can only imagine how extravagent the people, the places and the parties were. I'd going out to "Believe" on a thursday night at Sunset station and end up at an apartment where the owner would try and fit over 200+ people in a 2 bedroom arrangement.... the halls would be full of people...stairwells, patios and balconies full of smokers and most of the time the pool area would be crowded as well as music was blared from the apartment for everyone to hear. This was either done with a rather large sound system and a few cd's, but with the people we knew more than half the time it was actual dj's coming straight from the club/rave/party itself.
I guess to best explain MY version of a houseparty would be to say one word; Networking. Keeping in mind this all started when I was 14 and I'd go out to random events and clubs and meet people. You know how the whole networking thing works so I dont have to explain, but it was exactly that. You met one person who knew this person who knew this dj who knew this "dealer" who dated this other dj who knew this other person you knew who ran a club who hosted events. You knew them all after a while and they would all show up.
A houseparty is to get everyone you know from every social circle, every scene, every background together to meet one another and to have fun. Socialize, indulge in whatever so happens to be present and network more. The idea is if all of these people knew you, there shouldnt be any reason they wouldnt get along with a few other people that you knew they that didnt at that point in time.
As a friend would put it " thats a polite way of saying:
an after party was for those of us in the know who took far too many drugs, and werent exactly ready to 'come down"
Smaller houseparties were a good 50 people, but the larger ones had over 300+ people. Yes, you can only imagine the noise, the ambiance and the mess to clean up afterwards. And the extremes of the parties vary too between which social circles are included and which arent. I've been to parties in houses worth over a million bucks that were just wine tasting and cheese eating events all the way to parties where people did so many drugs that there cops were called and in one case in austin a dead guy ended up in the pool at the end of the night. Now I'm sure not all of this is going to be something thats going to WANT to be heard, but its the truth and thats what you want. Thats what makes a paper that much better.
If your teacher thinks for any reason I'm fabricating ANY of this I would LOVE to give you a timeline of pictures of me, my friends and the events I've attended over these 6 years. Believe me... I'm sure she'd enjoy.
I have friends that I've told about this at this point that also want to give their input. Keep in mind some of them won't be as formal as mine has been, but theyd be factual.
Thats all I have for you right now hun <3
-T oTm
I'm leaving this public so people who dont have lj that I know can put in their words too.