Gather round children, mammy is going to tell you a tragic story...

Feb 16, 2008 19:56

... about a stupid girl and her inability to turn her head to the left every so often

Just this morning I was sitting in the living room, telling my brother over my morning coffee that everything was pretty much on track, study-wise, and I could take the weekend off to read my (awesome) new book [Killing Rage, Ending Racism - bell hooks, FYI] and have a look at some Greek. Nice, eh?

So I was upstairs preparing to do just that but I check my messages from the university first and see that my first French TMA is due in two weeks, which was unexpected but not too huge a deal as it doesn't actually count towards my grade and I have two weeks between it and my Italian and Spanish assignments. No biggie!

I go have a wee read of my book and, as often happens, look around my room deep in thought when my eye happens to fall on the huge, colourful Study Calendar I drew up to avoid exactly this situation. I'm surprised at my absent-mindedness so I have a little look to see if i'd forgotten to write it on in the first place. Well, I hadn't, that's nice. Guess what else I saw? It wasn't TMA 1 that is due on the 5th of March. Its TMAS 1 and 2! One of which actually counts for something! With the ridiculous essay title of [in french] "is happiness a right or should it be earned?"! I'm not entirely happy about this, so being the sensible (read, neurotic) kid that I am, I decide I'd better do some French today, just to make sure I'm right on track to do this extra unexpected bit of work.

So I work my butt off all afternoon, come downstairs to get something to eat and mention the drama to my mammy, but add that its no so bad since I have two weeks between the 2 french essays and the Italian and Spanish ones. Right? Wrong! They're actually due THREE DAYS BEFORE, she corrects me.

So, in short: I have four assignments, in various parts, in three languages, due in 15 days, roundabout.[blind panic] So.. Umm... don't be expectin' no live journalin'.
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