(no subject)

Dec 31, 2007 20:12

Weeell I'm in a weird ol' mood these days. I'm not going to do one of those end-of-year recaps - I half feel like too much has happened, but also like I've hardly done shit. But I know thats not really true. I think (hope) I'll always be proud of my role in what happened in July. Its nice to be able to say that for once, fightin' the power (or bureaucracy) worked, and the result was deeply meaningful. All I want to say about 2007 is this: it started tragically, halfway through it got intense and eventually joyful, and the last few months have been great for my mind, if not my heart (or body...).

I'm feeling optimistic right now. I'm not making any resolutions, per se (bar one: WRAP SARA'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT. And maybe 2: Eat more chapattis). But I do have intentions for the new year (which one could argue is just a proud version of a resolution, but one would be an asshole). Intentions like: visit Italy and meet my family before more of them die; spend a good amount of time in France, and learn to like Spanish. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to take the Irish course I've been intending to take for so long, although up until today I planned to. The reason being I am quite insane. I'm on the very edge of deciding to enrol for yet another OU course! Literature! Me! Reunited at long last! Perfect academic madness, but familial-supported, absurdly exciting for a geek like me nevertheless.

I don't really want to write more now. I'm going to go eat some puttanesca, watch some crappy tv and celebrate the new year with my dearest and dearest. Maybe next year this journal will be meaningful... and maybe I'll study harder, spend more time with my pooperinskis, drink less, watch less shit tv, etc etc. Maybe pigs will reward my dedicated non-eating-of-them by flying...
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