Jul 01, 2006 23:53
OMFG!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE I SAW ROB ZOMBIE.....LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg it was sooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg omg omg omg...OMFG!!!! wow!!!!!! haha...ok...calm calm....ahem....yea...it was fuckin awesome!!!! john 5 was sooooooooooooooo fucking hott!!!!!! and i never realized how hott Mr. Zombie was....BUT HE IS!!!!! haha...so n-e wayz...i went lookin 4 evette and gabby and while i was walking i saw Dee and Colton!!! hehe...so i went and bought a shirt wit them......aww...i saw martin by the merch...and HE SHAVED HIS FUCKING HEAD!!!! i was like....MARTIN NOOOOO!!!! and he was like nah it'll grow back quick dont worry....lol....then i saw raquel....i said hi 2 her....then i went 2 find evette and gabby...so....i went 2 sit down....and just enjoyed the concert!!!! hehe...so.....yea.....if u missed it....ur sooooooooo fucking gay...haha.....laterz ppl!!!!