May 18, 2006 13:05
wooo!!! havent updated in a is everyone!!! im fucking great 4 sum reason 2day.....lmao!! the stupid hoe bag believed that i burned her she told one of the assistant principalz (since our "principal" is a fat ass lesbian whore who does nothing) and the called me 2 the office...LMAO!!!! the whole time they were talking 2 me...i was trying not 2 laugh...even the fuckin cop was there...and he was all..she can charge u wit theft..and all this other bullshit...i was like "LMAO...OMG...ahem" but yea...i just gave them the made my day....n-e who....OMFG!!!!!!!!! I TALKED 2 FONZY (bass player from voyeur...if u didnt know) 4 9 FUCKING HOURS ON SATURDAY....WOOO!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! and i cant wait 2 fucking c him 2morrow AND saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! gonna have that fucking roller coaster feelling even more than usual...since its at Lucky Devilz!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ahem....n-e who....i guess thats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!