Jul 15, 2009 07:30
It's been one of those weeks - the kind that don't let up - but so far I seem to be ducking and weaving just fine.
I've already finished my work for CIT094 this week, half way through CIT101 and will finish out Sunday with ENG200. Had to email HIMT program director about an issue on the quarter schedule breakdown from Summer to Autumn quarters. The way the schedule read, I should be taking HIMT111 now, but the advisers had told me Autumn. It's Autumn and the paperwork needs to be updated - set-back averted.
Sewing has been slow to get to but I hope to finish some more this week and next. I finished one under dress on Sunday save for the base hem, and I'm just going to do all of them at once. Going to cut two more out tomorrow night and work on sewing them this weekend or next week. Pennsic is fast approaching, so once I have these done I should be a bit better off. Most of the clothing is winter-type weight almost. Heavier material and going to be much too warm for mid-summer. Now to get more butterfly pants done.
I've been sending out resumes like mad the last few weeks after a one week drop due to focus shift on school. Hoping to start hearing more again soon. Had an initial phone interview with Hyde Park Corporate Office, but not sure if they will call back. A lot of these jobs are looking to fill in a week to two weeks - I hate to leave my employer with absolutely little to no notice - not good for references or credibility, I'll say that much.
Friends called me on Saturday about an apartment opening up in their building in the next two months. I'm still trying to hold out for the move north, but I don't want to be moving in winter either, so this might become an option since I understand that they have 6, 12, and 18 month leases.
Picnic on Sunday with friends and hopefully get to see Arcane for at least a little bit this weekend too.