it's been forever aaaaand a day!

Aug 10, 2010 17:51


it's been forever. there has been soo much going on i wouldn't even know where to start! i honestly don't even remember the last time that i wrote to you. so i apologize for that. i guess things were just going so well i didn't feel the need to write. I don't think i'll have enough time to go into detail about everything so i'll just give you an idea of everything going on. maybe i can post a few pictures later on also.

Soooo i'm back at aero... that lasted a total of about ten months haha. i know you're probably wondering why i went back, they offered me the sales lead position :D. sooo now i'm a manager there. it was hard leaving my babies, but it was really exciting to get back to the place i love. i'm still with bear, things are going great. we're going to be celebrating our one year in october <3. i changed my major... again. haha. i'm not a communication major with a concentration in public relations. so, hopefully i'll be graduating next fall. so super yay! and the last thing i can think of is... i got a kitty! her name is minnie and she is super cute.

well, i'm going to get going i'll have to give you more details about everything soon. i miss you, hopefully i'll be able to go visit you soon. i miss you.

i love you,
always and forever
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