THE SPEED OF DARK and its music

Aug 06, 2006 08:43

Last year, or so I read THE SPEED OF DARK by Elizabeth Moon. I was struck not only by a great story but by the multitude of classical music references. I wrote to Elizabeth and asked if she had a list of the works so I could listen to what Lou was hearing in his world. She replied that she had no list but just used what seemed to be right for the moment. She also commented jokingly (I believe) that it would be a good project for a grad student to compile. Well, I'm no grad student but I have just finished re-reading and compiling the list of named works. They total sixteen or only fifteen if you subtract the Bach Tocata and Fugue in D Minor.

Next on the process is to gather copies of the music and see if I can compile a collection for myself at least. I may end up asking for help from the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra or at least inform them of this little project. I think that their programing of concerts is very good and whoever is involved with that might like to know about this novel. Just a thought.
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