Mar 12, 2005 17:00
Yes, hooray. Laura-never-updates-her-lj-anymore.
As opposed to my RECORD FAST EVERY-TWO-SECONDS-UPDATE like previously.
Ow. It hurts between my boobs. Like Shannon who has a piercing there, which I DON'T GET because there is no, like, end of it in sight. HOW DOES SHE GET IT OUT. I have no clue at all.
WHAT A HORRIBLE, ROTTEN, STINKING SMELLY WEEK. Almost everyone I know had the shittiest of all shitties. Including myself. BUT I DON'T LET IT GET ME DOWN. BECAUSE I TOOK VITAMIN B TODAY. Which is the 'de-stress' pill, also known as turn-your-pee-vibrant-green pill. And tastes-like-rotten-chicken-noodle-soup pill. Actually, it helps me quite immensely, I would recommend it to all of you. So did bowling all morning yesterday, GUESS WHO GOT TWO SPARES. Me, duhh. HECKYES!
This lip chap is like...waxy.
But my lips hurt real baaaad.
Sorry, I watched that last night...whyyy do you love me...whyyy do you need me...OH. FOR ALL THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE MUCHMOREMUSIC. GUESS WHAT'S ON TONIGHT. YES, THAT'S RIGHT. CRYBABY IS ON FINALLY, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Haha, I am just grooving. If you haven't seen it, IT IS THE MUST-SEE JOHNNY DEPP MOVIE.
Teardrops are faaaaaalling, from my eyes...remind me to send that song to y'all.