Jan 09, 2005 17:15
Mmmmmmm that was one of the bestest weekends ever.
I was at mon pere's, of course, it was just me and him, which is when I like it best. On Friday...well you know what I did. Yesterday was extremely quiet, it was a jimmy-jam, do-nothing, sleepy sort of day. But then Philidelphea was on at FOUR, and I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove that movie soooooooo much. Of course I spent it all crying, and it didn't help that I was eating super-spicy curry shrimp rice thinger (which was extremely tasty, if anyone was wondering.) When they were having all the trials I was jumping around yelling at the TV, and afterwards I marched up to my dad and shouted I AM BECOMING A FRIGGIN LAWYER, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. And of course that little thought passed, then we rented Les Triplettes de Belleville and Cold Mountain. OHMIGOSH, Les Triplettes de Belleville IS and FOREVER SHALL BE my favouritest most avouritest movie of all time, except for the few I shall point out to you sometime. Seriously, kiddies, it is most shmabulous fantabulous, oh my, glamsparvelous. Then Cold Mountain, GOOD LORD, I SPENT THAT ENTIRE MOVIE IN TEARS. That movie is just ONE FRIGGIN TRAGEDY AFTER ANOTHER. I was already in a state from Phildelphia, that is the MUST CRY movie. And everyone had those stupid little one-liners and crying and dying and I am just a sobatron lately, any little thing sets me off now. Then I went to bed and this morning I got up (a great start I must say) and we drove here and now I am sad because I love hanging out avec mon pere and we never HAVE to do anything there, not like here, my mum and sister are like GET MOVING, WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO STOP FOR A MINUTE. NOBODY MADE UP THAT RULE, BUT IF YOU DONT FOLLOW IT I WILL KICK YOUR ASS. And they are really driving me insane right now, I could just *shakes fist*.
BUT ribs are in the stove dearie, and 24 STARTS TONIGHT, I AM JUST A BOUNCING FOOL. Stipdiddlendous.