!mod post.

Sep 10, 2011 19:07

Hi everyone, i'm so sorry for not posting this week's challenge or the voting for last week's, but i fell in bed with the ugliest of colds, so all i managed to do was stay in bed ( Read more... )

!mod post

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Comments 6

mayfrayn September 10 2011, 21:44:12 UTC
I'm very sorry to read about this, I love this community. I would love to help, but unfortunetely, I'm very busy with my job and upgrading all the communities I have...I really hope someone will be able to help this one...


kaena_25 September 11 2011, 16:58:06 UTC
This used to be one of my favorite icontests comms, that's why i wanted to help in the first place, but i guess it just didn't work.


phantomberkanna September 11 2011, 04:20:35 UTC
Don't blame yourself. I really loved what you were doing with the recent challenges. It's just a dying interest in the fandom. You may want to start back up again when Breaking Dawn comes out. That will probably revive interest.


kaena_25 September 11 2011, 17:00:00 UTC
Maybe, i'll see what happens after the trailer comes out on tuesday.


misskitty373 September 11 2011, 10:23:42 UTC
It's not your fault, you're doing a great job ;)
My guess would be that the fandom isn't as involved as it used to be. I expect things will probably pick up as we get closer to the Breaking Dawn release date...


kaena_25 September 11 2011, 17:02:37 UTC
Maybe, maybe not. I think most people dropped the fandom after Eclipse because they hated Breaking Dawn, so i don't know. It's like everything else i guess, everything has an expiration date. :)


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