Please vote for your favorite icon in each category by choosing the number that appears to the left of the icon you want to vote for from the drop down boxes. Do not vote for icons that you have created. Any violation or errors can result in the invalidity of your vote.
You have until Sunday 8:00pm (
CEST - Central European Summer Time) to cast your vote. The poll will close after that and winners will be posted shortly thereafter.
Photobucket keeps deleting the following icons for some reason. So, please consider these noms when casting your vote. Next time I'll use a different host. Stupid Photobucket.
Best use of color: 09
Best human icon: 02
Best vampire/werewolf icon: 01
Best use of text: 03
Best use of text: 05
Best animated icon: 10
Best comedic icon: 02
Poll @
dictums Your nom for Best Emotional Icon only showed a dead link. If you reupload the icon I will add it to the poll for round 12. :)