Challenge 3--Round 7--Voting

Dec 15, 2008 04:03

A rather low turnout, but with the holiday season drawing near it was better than I thought it was going to be. Still, nine entries isn't enough to include any special categories.

There were some really original icons here. You all seem to compensate for the lack of artwork color by using interesting formats, layouts, and background textures. And, in my opinion, they all had a type of romantic, mystical feel about them. So great job to those who participated, and a huge thanks for keeping us chugging along!

Good luck!

♥ Please vote for your THREE (3) favorite icons (ranked) AND explain your reasons in a screened comment to this post.
♥ Submissions that do not have three ranked votes w/three reasons and the special categories will not be counted.
♥ No voting for yourself, no soliciting votes for yourself, no telling people which icons are yours, and no sabotaging others. No posting of your icons until the results have been posted.
♥ Voting is open to anyone, not just members. Participants who vote will earn (1) point.

Voting Tally (Cut and Paste if you wish):


- FIRST PLACE: # because
- SECOND PLACE: # because
- THIRD PLACE: # because

♥ DISCLAIMER: The icons seen here are sole ownership of their makers. Do not copy, alter, or use without their permission. Base work done by the approved list of twiconathon fanartists.
♥ Provided we get enough votes and no ties, voting will end THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 12:01 AM US CENTRAL TIME

Challenge Three, Round 7 Entries

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challenge 3, voting, round 7

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