Challenge 3--Round 4--Results

Nov 24, 2008 08:01

Sorry this is so late! There were definitely a few of you who set yourselves apart from the pack. Our top ten is constantly changing; it's making things really interesting.

And a reminder to ilovechaos and planetgal471 that you have one week to hand in your banners (Round 3, Set A an Bonus 1, respectively)!

♥ Makers are now free to post their Round 4 icons wherever they please. If you are interested in using an icon for your own personal use, please leave a comment on this thread asking for the maker's name so you can give proper credit.
♥ Please remember to give credit to any respective artists for their base work when you use or post your icons elsewhere.
♥ Winners 1-3 and Mod's Choice may submit here, via PM, or via any screened comment to let me know their round ideas.

Congrats to our Round 4!
Banner maker this week is fanplastico
Banners are due by December 8 in a PM to me.

First Place
thracieSecond Place
thracieThird Place

Best use of Lyrics
Best Composition
ksi_livMod's Choice*

*This is a very busy icon, but the muted colors help keep our focus on the lyrics and the main characters. I love the pic chosen because the huge eyes really are hypnotic and it creates a very dream-like icon.

Round Four Points
Only votes for Placement (1-3) convert to tallied points
To receive your comments, make a comment to this post with your numbers.

PlacementLyricsComposition10 Points = 3203 Points = 1503 Points = 0308 Points = 1902 Points = 04, 1901 Point = 04, 05, 06, 11, 19, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32,07 Points = 1601 Point = 05, 13, 14, 25, 26, 32 06 Points = 03  05 Points = 15  04 Points = 02, 04  03 Points = 05, 06, 20, 22, 25, 26, 31, 36  02 Points = 11, 27, 30, 33  01 Point = 08, 12

Congrats to our Current Overall Challenge Top Five!
For all rankings see HERE

ksi_liv133 pointsstolenwings110 pointsvaguelyclear101 pointsadair793 pointsthracie92 points

challenge 3, round 4, results

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