Promo Thread #5: 10/20-10/26
Welcome to the
twiconathon 's promo thread. We here are all a little family, thus, we're here to help each other out. Many of us participate or run other icontests, have icon communities, or run Twilight related fan sites. Here you may post any promos for visitation, voting, participation, etc needs you may have.
The rules are simple:
[01.] Please only post ads that are Twilight-, icon-, or icontest-related. Personal journals may not be advertised here unless you post all you icons there. Otherwise put your personal journal in our spam post--that's where to go if you are looking for adding friends to your f-list.
[02.] You may post banners, but do not exceed 400 px wide X 300 px high.
[03.] If posting wanted ads for votes and/or entries, you may post only one request per week per community.
[04.] Please use the following format when posting:
Banner (if you have one)
Name of Community
Link to Vote or Challenge Submission Page
Posting is moderated and open only to members of
twiconathon . Hopes this helps some of you out!