Challenge 2--Round 10--Midweek Reminder

Oct 02, 2008 23:12

I'm a day early, but I have "date night" with the hubby tomorrow and there's lots to brief you all in...

This is your midweek reminder for Round 10.  We don't have any entries!!!! Double points people!


Icons are due by Tuesday, October 7, at 11:59 PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME

Also, just a note, you've got an hour left to vote for Round 9 and Bonus 3.  I'll get to working on the points right away afterward.  I hope to get them posted early in the morning so you guys have a good idea of where you stand going into the last round, but they may have to be posted early Saturday morning.  It's a lot of points this time, so I would like to be sound of mind and double check them.

Challenge 3 is all set-up.  I'm off to make my Excel spreadsheet for the Rankings to get that up in the next hour so you can begin submitting any promos you want to get points for.

Think that's it. Have a great night/morning (depending on where you guys live)

round 10, challenge 2, midweek reminder

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